An Essay of a Weekly
Report Presentation on October 13th, 2015
Submitted as the Requirement to Fulfil an Assignment
English as Foreign Language Methodology Course
Under the Direction of Prof. Dr. Hj. Nenden
Sri Lengkanawati, M. Pd
This written is a weekly report presentation
on Managing the Classroom, How to Plan a Lesson, Choosing and Using Materials and Commercial and Authentic Materials:
Advantages & Disadvantages and Problems Teachers Face material in Harmer’s
book in 2007b, Brown’s book in 2001 and Gebhard’s book in 2000. It was written
to fulfil the EFL Methodology assessment. In writing this weekly report
presentation on October 12th, 2015, the writer would recall all of
the fourth reading report presentation, question – answer, and give some comment
as part of it. This weekly report presentation presented by Sinta Dewi as the
first presenter, Nurfitri Habibi as the second presenter, Luthfiyatun Toyyibah as
the third presenter and Hardiansyah as the last presenter.
Summary of the Presentation
Presenter (Sinta Dewi); Managing the
Managing the classroom is important.
Because, to achieve a successful and meaningful language teaching also
supported by managing the classroom. By managing the classroom will affect to
the students’ behaviour and classroom atmosphere. Based on what is the
presenter present about Managing the
Classroom, there are ninth variables should be mentioned in managing the
classroom, such as: Teacher in the classroom, voice and body language, talks to
the students, instruction, student talk and teacher talk, the use of L1, lesson
stages, seating arrangements, and students grouping.
Let’s start with the teacher in the classroom.
According to Harmer (2007), teacher in should aware with a physical presence in
the classroom. It means that there are 4 aspects that were mention of him.
First, Proximity. Proximity means that teachers have to be conscious how close they should be
for their students. If the teacher to close with them, it will make them uncomfortable
or considered cold and unfriendly. Next, Appropriacy.
Appropriation here concern with the teachers’ decision on how close they should
be with the student properly and how they should sit and stand in the
classroom. Then, movement. Movement
of the teachers during teaching and learning in order to keep the student’s
interest and mood. Standing motionless in one place may bore students and move
around constantly may create exhaustion and obstruct student’s focus. And the
last, awareness. Teachers have to own
awareness in assessing student’s
progress on what has been learnt. Teachers also need to evaluate themselves so
that they will gauge what should be improved and developed on maximizing
teaching and learning.
Moreover, Fowler
and Saraph (2010) has a different opinion how to manage the classroom. They divided
it into 3 aspects, such as: respectful,
polite and motivating as a good rapport. It’s also supported by Osakwe (2014) who also claims that it is imperative for teachers
to promote polite and respectful student interactions and address inappropriate
student behavior in a positive manner.
Next, the use of voice and body language. According to Brown (2001) the use of voice should
be considered by the teacher during teaching and learning activities. They must
audibility, variety, and conservation.
Audibility means that teachers have to make sure that everyone, including
students in the back of the room is able to hear. It doesn’t necessarily mean
that the teachers have to speak loudly or shout but it is a matter of
projecting appropriate good voice to the students and articulating the words
clearly. The Variety, it means that the
teachers need to maintain students’ interest and mood by keeping up with
variety. Conservation, due to the
importance of voice in establishing meaningful teaching, voice should be
conserved with good care.
In addition,
Harmer (2007) statement about managing the classroom by using a body language. There
are 4 items related to what Harmer’s stated; body, face, eye contact and distance and teach based on culture applied.
Body means how the teacher uses all
of their body language as the part of their learning activities in the
classroom. The Face, the teacher can
use any expression when they were teaching. Especially when teaching any
expression of language. Eye contact,
it’s also important when teaching and learning activities in a class to keep on
with the eye contact with the students to make sure that they were focused on
the learning activities are not. We have to manage our eye contact with all
students’ and class environment. Distance
and teach based on culture applied, especially in Indonesia, distance and
touch sometimes will become missed perception between students, teachers or
parents. Because, sometimes the need of the teaching of the students will be
important depends on what is it for. So, follow the rule.
Talk to the students. Rough tone. In doing the rough - tune, teachers have to own a great deal of
understanding with these three important points. First teachers have to know
what kind of language that will be likely understood easily. Then teachers have
to recognize what kind of information students wish to understand and the best
way to deliver it. And the last one, teachers have to be familiar with the
manner of conveying the concept such as intonation and tone. How we simplify
the language that were used in the class to make the students easily understand
the lesson through gesture, facial expression and mime.
Give instruction. Gebhard (2006) emphasizes that instruction should provide
opportunity for the students to explore and to communicate language in a meaningful
way. He lists some ways to give some instruction to the students’. First, by
writing down the instruction on a board or by showing it using a projector
screen. Second, giving the instruction verbally. Third, having students read
the instruction and let them read or paraphrase them to the class. Fourth,
dictating instruction and having students check each other’s dictation. Fifth,
miming the instruction as students guess what they are supposed to do. And the
last, whispering the instruction as student’s lean forward in their seat, and
having students repeat the instruction to the person next to them in a whisper.
Student talk and teacher talk. It is important for the classroom
organization since it is through language that teachers either succeed or fail
to implement their teaching plans. If teacher talk too much can decrease the students’
opportunity in practicing their oral skill and doing other things such as
reading and writing. In terms of acquisition, teachers talk is the main source
of providing comprehensible input that learners receive. Students’ interaction
should be maximized, but at the appropriate time, teachers also don’t
necessarily have to hesitate to provide feedback during a discussion or
summarize what have been learned. So, between TTT and STT should be balance.
Teacher have to give a chance to the student if it is necessary for them to
The use of L1. Grasping complex concepts. As
the teacher sometimes we may to use the L1 in particular activities to make it balance
between the students with low and high proficiency. Because, not all of the students
understand what we are talking about if we always talk by using a native
language. By using the L1 we can check the students’ understanding clearances.
To see their understanding about the material of the lesson or the target
language used.
Lesson stages. There are three steps that
were presented by the presenter how to make a lesson stage; beginning, middle,
and final. At the beginning, the teacher may start the lesson by providing material that can stimulate
student’s interest so that the interactive learning can be generated. Teachers
may say what students will be doing or what to be expected at the end of the
lesson. Then, in the middle of the class activities. The teacher should give a
clear explanation about today material. If the students keep confusing with the
material, the teachers should make it clear enough to understand. So, the
teacher can continue the lesson for the next meeting. By keeping the
maintaining of the students’ understanding or focusing using some useful
activities. For the final, teachers have to be able to come up with a summary
or conclusion or the things that will discuss next.
Seating arrangements. There are four kinds of
seating arrangement that provided by the presenter. First, orderly rows. Orderly rows, enables teachers to see students clearly
which is beneficial for managing eyes contact and let the teachers walk up and
down to check student’s development personally. In this type of arrangement,
students have a great chance to receive the same message regarding the task or
instruction given. However, this arrangement is considered too restrictive and
it speaks volume about teacher’s roles which are the central of attention and
dominance. Next, circle and horseshoe.
Circle and horseshoe, is less dominant, which assures the sense of equality in
the classroom. Students can see each other without having to interrupt
teachers. In this position, there’s a great opportunity to initiate the intimate
and potential atmosphere in which students are able to share feeling and
information through talking and eye contact or expressive body movements. The
last is separate tables. Separate
tables can be useful in breaking that sense. Arranging students seated in the
small group at individual tables offers a good advantage for teachers. They are
able to check the student’s work easily and help students out to understand the
hard concepts. Teachers may prompt in one table and explain in another. This
seating arrangement, however, may cause trouble since students’ preference
changes over the time.
Students Grouping. There are four ways in
grouping students, such as: by grouping whole class, group work or pair work,
solo work, class to class. The whole class grouping can provide the sense of belonging that
students are part of the team. This grouping type is appropriate for presenting
information and practice drilling. However, there is a small chance for
individual student to participate willingly and contribute in the discussion
since speaking in the whole class can be inhibited and demanding. Group work or pair work promotes
cooperative activity in which students can be triggered to be actively involved
in experimenting language and doing more activities. This also may encourage
students’ independence and self-confidence. However, it is not without its own
problems. Student’s preference plays a big role in this type of grouping.
Students might feel unconvinced to work with friends. Some can be silent and
others may be dominating. The disruptive behavior such as frequently used by L1
may also happen. Solo work, can relax
students so that they can focus on their needs and progress. Students can work
at their own speed; have their own thinking time and can be individuals. Class to class, is good for survey,
discussion, lecture and presentation. This enables higher level students to feel
positive to help the lower and the lower level students feel encouraged by
being engaged with the smart ones. Yet, this can be time consuming.
Related to the research of Fowler & Şaraplı (2010) showed
that there are two major points that students expected from teachers; intrinsic
factor and extrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor includes allowing students to
freely express their opinions, using embarrassment to correct students, the
teacher is friendly and respectful toward students, and the teacher shows
enthusiasm for the subject. Extrinsic factors concern with items that relate to
how a student feels a teacher should physically manage the classroom. Students
expect teachers to be clear with behavioral expectation, time management (come
on time and start the lesson based on the schedule), and grouping style.
The other related research
was done by Lotfy
(2013) who found that seating arrangement is a priority to encourage students
on task participation. Additional finding of the research showed that students’
preference on seating arrangement influenced by their view of how shy or
talkative they are in the classroom.
The last was conducted by Osakwe (2014)
showed that the techniques for promoting well-managed classroom includes having
leadership and management that will provide direction, planning, supervision,
co-operation and coordination of teaching-learning process; teachers should
have a positive role model; and there should be proper application of
instructional materials and comfortable sitting arrangements to facilitate
Presenter (Nurfitri Habibi); How to Plan
a Lesson
Related to how to plan a lesson, Habibi
give the outline what is going to discuss. The outline was the definition of the lesson plan, format of lesson plans, and the guideline
for lesson plan. Planning a lesson plan is not as easy as what we thought.
To make a good plan for a lesson we should know the element of the lesson plan
itself. Brown (2001) defines a lesson plan as a unified set of activities that
cover a period of classroom time. By setting a good lesson plan, we know the
way we are going to teach, how do we evaluate the process of teaching and
learning activities.
Based on what have been show up by the
presenter. There are 2 functions how to make a good plan in a lesson. The good
lesson plan helps the teachers to ensure; the instruction in line with the
curriculum goals and the goal are achieved. The instruction in line with the
curriculum goals means that the instruction that were made by the teacher completely
in line with the curriculum goal. So, what is going to reach achieved well.
Especially, according to the four skills; speaking, reading, listening and
importance of lesson planning. There are 4 points
related to the importance of lesson planning; it is a map, sign of
professionalism, gives opportunities to adjust material, and helps predicting
and anticipating the problem. Map,
lesson plan is a guide for the teacher when doing a teaching and learning
activities. So, we will teach based on what we have planned beautifully. As a sign of professionalism, we professionally
plan the teaching and learning activities not out of the context. By making a
good lesson plan it gives opportunities
to adjust material. Teacher adjusting the material to make the class
activities become more colorful every time. A teacher who has a good lesson
planning will helps predicting and
anticipating the problem will face in the classroom activities.
According to Brown (2001) a format of a
good lesson plan divided into six items, such as: goals, objectives, materials,
procedures, evaluating and extra class work. Goals are means what going to achieve by the teacher written
directly in a lesson plan. Objectives,
what kind of knowledge that will achieve with the students’. Materials: what kind of material that
will be taught by the teachers. Procedure:
what will be done by the teacher and students in class activities. Evaluation: how do we evaluate the
students’ activities in a class. Extra
class work: give the students’ such as home work to see what today’s achieve.
Jensen in Murcia (2001)
and Harmer (2007), define the format of lesson plan into six items: the
description of the students’ and class, aims & objectives, procedures,
anticipated problems, extra material/activities, material to be used. Has
almost the same point with Brown, Jensen and Harmer also stated the format of
lesson plan, including the description of the students’ and class, which means
that we should know what kind of students’ that we are going to teach. We know
the level of proficiency of our students. Is it a higher level students’ or
lower level students, this is a young learner or an adult, and so on. Jensen
and Harmer state the goal of lesson plan as the aims of lesson plan. They also
give a suggestion to give a statement how do we anticipate a students’ in a
lesson plan. What kind of material that were used in the class activities?
Woodward, 2009; Cicek
& Tok, 2011; NCLRC, 2003-2007; and Ducan & Met, 2010 stated the
consideration for planning a lesson. They’re a student, the goal, objectives,
the content and material, and the last is activities. A student, we know what kind of students’ that we are going to
teach, is an elementary level, intermediate level or the advance ones. Goal objective, to make a clear
operation in teaching and learning activities we also pay attention with the
goal for our lesson activities. Content
and material, based on this part we should be careful to choose the content
and material that will be delivered to the students. Also, because we have to
pay attention with the culture of the place where we are teaching with.
According to Brown (2001) the guidelines
to plan a lesson should be started well including; how to begin planning,
variety, sequencing pacing (teach them from the easiest one to the hardest one),
timing (transition between previous lesson to the next activities should be
achieve by the students’), gauging difficulty (students’ perspective about the
lesson), individual differences, students talk and teacher talk, adapting to an
establish curriculum, and classroom lesson notes. Set overall goals, state the
terminal objectives, state enabling objectives and making a scrip (to
anticipate unexpected word to the students).
Presenter (Lutfiyatun Toyyibah); Choosing
and Using Materials
What are the materials in EFL classroom? The
material is the element to help teachers in presenting a lesson. It usually
guides the teaching learning process in the classroom. Because the usage of
materials is varied among classes, teachers have to pay attention in choosing
and then applying/using it in the classroom. Materials include anything that
can be used to facilitate the learning of language (Tomlinson 1998a, p. 66 in
Nunan, D and Carter, R.). The materials can be in the form of printed or not.
Unprinted materials could be linguistic, visual, auditory or kinesthetic,
internet. Printed materials can be in the form textbooks or course book.
According to who creates the material, Gebhard
(2009:101) state that there are four areas which prefer to create the
materials. They are publishing company, government agencies, curriculum team of
school level and classroom teachers. He also differentiates kinds of school
determine in materials that suit the students. Here is the category of
materials can be developed or used in different conditions of school: 1) Teaching
in private language school or business; the teachers who teach in a private
language school or business could adopt commercial materials. Commercial materials could be in the form of EFL or ESL
texts, audiotapes, a disk with accompanying workbooks, videotapes with
worksheets for students and computer programs. 2) Teaching in a public
school with educational system centralized: teachers who teach in a public
school in a country with a centralized educational system can use materials
produced or selected by a government education committee. 3) Teaching at a
certain university, well established private language schools, some ESL K-12
schools, and corporations with language programs: teachers who teach in those
conditions could adopt the local texts and materials. Moreover, teachers who
have experience in teaching EFL or ESL are usually members of a curriculum
development of language program.
Related to the coursebook selection Harmer
(2007:147) highlighted the options for coursebook use. They are by omitting the
lesson, replacing the coursebook
lesson with our own, then adding materials in the book, and adapting what is in
the book. By omitting the lesson, it
would solve the problems somehow. Teachers have power in deciding whether they
would use the coursebook or not. If there are inappropriacy, for example,
inappropriate in culture, choice of words, or anything, the teacher could leave
one of the materials from the coursebook. It can be said the teacher can “pick
and choose” what materials are suitable to their students.
the coursebook
lesson with our own. The materials that are
created by the classroom teacher would probably gain much more interest to the
students or even the teachers themselves. If the teacher covers the same topic,
the students can revise the materials from the coursebook. Thus, they can
combine it. The teacher has a number of options in using the materials. The
teacher also can replace the text with another one that fits to the unit.
materials in the book. If there is a condition
where the students look bored with the materials, the teachers may add some
activities or exercises to revive the students’ activities. There are three
categories related to how to provide in adding materials in the book: personal
engagement, word formation, and word games. Personal
engagement, to find the personal engagement, the teacher can ask the
students “which words have a positive meaning for you?” or “which words have a
negative meaning for you?” While asking, we also observe the personal reaction
to words. The teacher can also ask which word they find easy to pronounce or
which word difficult to pronounce. In that moment we ask the students, we have
to consider that these words belong to the students themselves, not to the
teacher or even to the textbook. Word formation,
the teacher can ask so many questions about how the words are constructed. The
teacher can also ask how many verbs can be changed into adjectives. The teacher
can ask in which syllable should stressed on in every word. Word games, everything would be more
interesting by game, so does the list of words. The words list can be used for
expansion by giving the students a sentence like; “the doctor examines the
patient”. Then the teacher asks the students if any of them would make would
make a longer sentence than “the multi-talented handsome doctor examines a
beautiful tall Javanese patient who is standing in line for an hour to see the
doctor”. The teacher can order the students to work in pair. A student has to
guess what the word writes on the hat that he/she used.
what is in the book. In adapting textbook in
class, many teachers do not use it line by line. Sometimes it is because the
teacher knows what first should be given because of the appropriateness. In
reality, teachers have to decide which book to be used in the classroom. But
then it is emerging with question like based on what basis they said that one
book is more appropriate and better to another. Based on that reality, teachers
could start with analyzing the textbook under consideration to see how it is
compared to other textbooks. The best way of doing this is to select the areas
of interest, like layout, instructions, methodology etc.
According to the research
of Allwright (1990) that materials should teach students to learn, that they
should be resource books for ideas and activities for instruction/learning, and
that they should give teachers rationales for what they do. The textbooks are
too inflexible to be used directly as instructional material.
O'Neill (1990) argues
that materials may be suitable for students' needs, even if they are not
designed specifically for them, that textbooks make it possible for students to
review and prepare their lessons that textbooks are efficient in terms of time
and money, and that textbooks can and should allow for adaptation and
Wen-Cheng. Wan et.all (2010) highlighted that teachers spend
much time in using textbooks in class, so choosing the appropriate one is
important. Even though the core of teaching learning process should be on
students, it is rather not surprisingly that in reality, students potentially
have few choices and thus little control of the educational process.
Presenter (Hardiansyah); Commercial and Authentic Materials: Advantages &
Disadvantages and Problems Teachers Face
He started with the question who creates
the materials available to the EFL/ESL teachers? According to Gebhard (2006),
there are four creators who available to make the materials to the EFL/ESL
teacher: publishing companies, government agencies, curriculum development team
at the school level and classroom teachers. Generally publishing companies are
producing full series of the texts for beginner through advance proficiency
level and mostly it is used by private language school. Meanwhile the
Government agencies and curriculum committee produce the text based on the values
that has been stated in the constitution. This kind of text generally is used
by the public schools. In the other hand, some countries allow their teachers
to make proposals to produce the texts. After being approved by the committee,
the text is produced and used in the school.
In another level such as higher education or well established private
language school, the experience teachers usually produce their own materials,
based on their experience in teaching EFL/ESL.
and Disadvantages of Commercial Materials. Gebhard
(2006) mentions some advantages and disadvantages by using commercial
materials. There three advantages by using the commercial materials that was
stated by Gebhard’s. They are save time,
well organize and completed by the teaching manual. Commercial materials
could save times because the teachers do not need to make new materials for
teaching, and the learners do not need to look for other materials. Furthermore,
a commercial material is already well-organized, it can systematically guide
the teacher and students step by step through a series of lessons. And then
commercial material was completed by the teaching manual or companion websites
also provide lesson plans with some useful suggestion or technique, it means
that it can help the teacher a lot in teaching activities especially for the
new teachers.
In every advantages that
also has the advantages. Gebhard (2006) also state the disadvantages by using
commercials materials. He also divided the disadvantages into three item:
ideological conflict in teaching, without the consideration of culture and
geographic, and marginalize the teachers’ role. Ideological conflict in teaching, this conflict cause by the texts
which is usually made based on the author’s or publisher’s ideas and
perspectives about teaching. For examples some text writers believe students
should memorize words and grammar before they practice speaking, writing, or
reading while others think that a lot of practice in the target language is
more important to develop their language ability. Without the consideration of culture and geographic, whereas we
know that the consideration about it is necessary, since we cannot teach about
winter to the students who live in tropical country. Marginalize the teachers’ role, this conflict can have negative
consequences on what goes on in the classroom. The teachers blindly follow the
McGrath (2002) stated
that if the teachers’ way in teaching only focus on textbook, it will decrease
the students’ interest since there is no more the element of unpredictability,
everything is already there.
are Authentic Materials? According to Gebhard
(2006) who stated that authentic materials is “anything that is used to
communicate”. Moreover, Nunan & Carter (200:68) said that “authentic
materials are the kind of texts that are not designed for teaching aims”. Based
on those statements, it can be concluding that authentic material is anything
reflects to our real world and not specifically designed for teaching
types are available? Authentic
listening or viewing materials: silent films; TV
commercial, quiz show, cartoons, news, comedy shows, dramas, movies and soap
operas, radio news, ads, professional audio taped short stories, novels, pop,
rock, country, film, children’s songs, home videos, professionally videotaped
travel logs, documentaries, and sales pitches. Authentic Visual Materials: slides, photographs, paintings,
sketches, drawing by children, stick figure drawings, wordless street signs,
silhouettes, calendar pictures, pictures from travel, news, and popular
magazines, ink blots, postcard pictures, wordless picture books, stamps, X-ray
etc. Authentic printed materials:
newspaper article, cartoons, advertisements, movie advertisement, astrology
columns, sports reports, and obituary columns. Realia used in EFL/ESL Classroom: dolls, puppet, currency, key
rings, scissors, etc.
and Advantages of Authentic Materials. Gebhard
(2006) mentions that the first disadvantages for using authentic materials is
take time and effort to locate authentic materials, and then it is difficult to
make it comprehensible for students, the last is some students will not accept
authentic materials and media being a valuable learning source. Moreover,
Guariento and Morley (2001) remind us that the use of authentic materials make
especially lower level students confused and demotivated by the complexity of
language and performance condition unless the simplest authentic texts are
carefully selected by teachers.
Gebhard (2006) also stated why we should
use the authentic materials. Authentic material can reinforce for students the
direct relation between the language classroom and the outside world. Secondly,
it offers a way to contextualized language learning, and the last is it offers
students a valuable source of language input since they can be exposed to more
than just the language presented by the teacher and the text.
Regarding to the advantages, Peacock
(1997) cited in Richard (2001), mentions several reasons for using authentic
materials in classroom. They are: (1)
they prepare learners for real life, (2) they meet learners’ need, (3) they
affect learners’ motivation positively, (4) they encourage teachers to adopt
effective teaching methods and (5) they present authentic motivation about
Rodngam (2011) in his research entitled
“The use of authentic materials to enhance vocabulary for listening
comprehension of Mathayomsuka 6 students in the English and Japanese program at
Winitsuka School, Lopburi Province, Thailand” finds that the use of authentic
materials really help students enhance vocabulary for listening comprehension
more effectively. Moreover, the use of authentic materials also had positive
effect and helped increase students’ performances, comfort and self-confidence
to listen the target language.
Do Thi Thanh Tra (2011) in his research
entitled “Using authentic materials to motivate second year English major
students at Tay Ban University during speaking lessons” It is suggested to use
authentic material for increasing students’ motivation to learn speaking.
Because, the result of his data confirmed the hypothesis that authentic
materials could enhance the motivation of second year majored English students
at English faculty, Tay BAC University when learning speaking.
In addition, Rashid Hamed Al Azri and
Majid Hilal Al Rashdi (2014) in his journal entitled “The Effect of Using
Authentic Materials in Teaching” conclude that the use of authentic materials
in language teaching is supported by many researchers. They regard the use of
this type of materials as a useful means to motivate learners, arouses their
interest and expose them to real language they will face in the real world.
Based on the researches above we can see
that authentic materials can increase students’ motivation. It can be a good
point for teachers to use it. As we know that learners need to be motivated to
succeed in learning language. In addition to get the learners motivated the
materials should be motivating and enhance the learners’ interest.
What Kinds of Technology Do
EFL/ESL Teachers’ Use? Generally,
the first think which comes to our mind when we hear about technology might be
words computer, internet, software, mobile phone, website, and e-mail so on.
But Gebhard (2006) said that technology is much more than that. Technology is
scientific and industrial know-how or expertise. Moreover, Gebhard (2006) shows
the development of technology from low through high technology. He explained
about it by using a continuum scheme from low to high technology.
A Technology Continuum

Overhead Projector
Slide Projector
Filmstrip Projector
Audiocassette Recorder
Video Camera
Digital Video Camera
Cell Phone
Digital Audio Recorder
Digital Satellite
Based on the scheme above we can see that technology
in education is not only about computer, internet, website, mobile phone, or
e-mail. But technology is everything around us that can be served as teaching
Hanson-Smith (2001) believes that when text is read on
the computer, learners’ motivation and learning skill improve. Leis (2015)
support smith’s opinion. The use of smartphone in teaching learning activity is
suggested and smartphone should be viewed as teaching aids. The result of his
research entitled “Smartphone Assisted Language Learning and Autonomy” shows
that students who were encouraged to use their smartphones during class were
inclined to study more in their free time as well as show signs of autonomy by
taking charge of their learning and consider ways to improve their own study
habits and English proficiency.
Problems Teachers Face. Gebhard (2006) mention problems some EFL/ESL teacher
face include the following: 1) The “I am forced to teach from the book” problem.
Some EFL/ESL teachers are required to follow a text that has been set by the
policy maker. Sometimes the actual lesson plans are provided and the supervisor
will make sure that they follow. This kind of policy will decrease teachers’
creativity in using or improving materials and media. Unfortunately, some
teachers take the shortcut and simply follow the prescribed lessons. However,
other teachers find their way to add the additional material while adapting to
the prescribed lesson. They might use recorder, pictures, games, and video.
Some teachers also provide a lesson based on authentic materials and media.
These kinds of act are encouraged since it makes wider chance to increase
students’ interaction not only with the book but also with the other students
and teachers. 2) The “Let the Textbook Do the teaching” Problem. As previously
mentioned that text book has certain advantages. It saves time, novice teachers
can learn something about teaching from following text, and the teaching manual
has been set. In spite of the advantages so helpful for the new teachers,
adhering to a text without considering the effect on the students can
trivialize the experience for students. Of course not all teachers accept the
constraints imposed on them by text. Some teachers want to be more than just
technician. They realize that text can’t be followed blindly, it should be evaluating.
Whether it is appropriate for their students or it is not. More over some
teachers can give more authentic language materials and media as well as know
the best decision taken to meet some students’ need. 3) The “How do I locate
useful websites for my students?” Problem. The usage of internet in this era is
inevitable. The benefits of it help teachers a lot in providing the teaching
materials to support learning activity. Gebhard (2006) said he ever face the
problem for choosing the recommended website for EFL/ESL students. So, he
decided to ask internet-using teacher and EFL/ESL students which website they
find to be the most useful. Surprisingly, they come up with many of the same
and answer
a. What
is the differences between low technology and high technology? (Imas Suparsih)
differences between low technology and high technology is based on the use of
that kind of technology. We know the time when do we use low technology and
high technology. We know the level proficiency of the students.
Prof. Nenden answer: It’s
depend on the situation to know both low and high technology.
b. What’s
your opinion (all presenters) about authentic material not for teaching
materials? (Lestiyani Sunarto)
material is design for teaching but not made by the teachers. Authentic
material doesn’t design for teaching aims but we can use it. For example: Audio
visual movie, newspaper, magazine, etc.
Prof. Nenden answer:
authentic material is better to use in language teaching especially in
c. What
kind of authentic materials should be choosing natively or based on our culture?
(Firdha Zainu Syarifa)
materials should be choosing based on the native language that were used in
that country. So, the material is suitable with the condition of that country.
d. How
important the feedback for student with high achiever? (Dian Ardiansyah)
of them is important to give some feedback. For the higher achiever: give a
knowledge by knowing the strength and weaknesses of students’. By giving them
the feedback to keep attention to the assignment doing by the students’.
Important to give knowledge then they can improve the knowledge. By give
feedback, the students’ can know which one the right then the teacher can see
the improvement of them. By giving the feedback will increase the student’s
motivation and confidence.
Prof. Nenden answer: Both
of the low and high achiever need the feedback. By giving them the feedback
they will always:
C Entanceable
C Not intenseable
C Enrich students’ self
C Evaluating ourselves
e. What
is your suggestion for choosing material? Who should be the creator of the
materials? (Slamet Suwanto)
on the instruction. The creator of the materials should be: publishing company,
government agencies, curriculum teams of school level or classroom teachers.
Prof. Nenden answer: in
Indonesia it’s so easy to published some books but it will be different in
abroad. My own experience, I need more than one year to published a book with a
native writer.
f. Is
it necessary for teacher to tell the objectives of the lesson in elementary
level? (Ghea Kyat Priyanka)
of course it is important. No matter junior/higher will explicitly explain the
objective to the students’ so they can have a picture about the teaching and
learning activities.
Prof. Nenden answer: Yes,
it’s important. e.g: in TOEFL listening test there is an introduction before
starting the test.
g. How
to design the material with a gifted and disabilities student? (Ahmad Zaki
the students’ effectively based on their ability. Higher achiever can teach the
low achiever. Make sure that when the students’ of high achiever teach the lows
were not intimidating them.
Actually, it’s for all of the presenter.
All of the presenter have done a good presentation. They were present what they
have understand the materials that given to them. They do the best what they
can do. Understanding the reading material is not as easy as what we thought.
To make a clear understanding with the material we not only need to read one
times, but also more than one times, repeated, and repeated again. So we can
find what is the point of the book writer means. After understanding the
reading book material. It should be supported with another resources and
previous research that related to our material. It also enriches our reading understanding
to get the information.
Even though, they have done some mistakes.
It is a part of studying. So, we have improving our 4 skills again and again. By
improving our ability in using four skills, insyallah it will better and better
in a time.
For the first presenter it can be
concluded that there are no teaching plans or goals
can be implemented and achieved if the classroom is not in good management.
Teaching and learning cannot be conducted in chaos. Therefore, the classroom
should be well managed and maintained to establish positive productive learning
environment which can relatively help, if not eliminating, minimizing the
disruptive behaviors, and attaining teaching and learning purposes. Moreover,
the keys to promote well organized classroom is good planning, consistency,
disciplines, and experience.
For the second presenter. To
make a good lesson planning we have to follow the rule as well as we can do the
For the third presenter, actually teachers
have their right in using textbook, they could state their position in using
textbook. They may adapt, add, replacing or even omit some of the materials in
the textbook. They also can utilize materials from themselves if the materials
in the textbook seem do not appropriate to the students or to the learning
situation. To check that the textbook good or not, the teacher can use some of
the criteria then put checklists on it to ensure that the textbook filled with
something you as a teacher needs. You can use the criteria from Harmer or Grant
that have been elaborated above. In the end, teachers have their own authority
whether they want to continue used the textbook or not. It is adaptable to any
kind of situation.
And for the last presenter, for the
next time presentation have to pay attention with how to point reading report or anything else. For the conclusion of the presentation
material it can concluded that by knowing the advantages from these
two kinds of materials teachers will know about the right material for their
teaching activity. Furthermore, based on the example of the applications of
high technology on teaching language activities which is served by Gebhard and
the related researchers, teachers should have wider perspective toward the use
of technology in terms of open-mindedness.
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