(A Case Study at one of the Senior High School in Margahayu)
Submitted to
fulfill a Final Examination assignment of EFL Curriculum Analysis course
Under the Direction of Dr. Wachyu Sundayana, M.A.
Written by:
Rezki Firdaus
has changed several times since 1968 which adopted the grammar translation
method until 2013 which adopted scientific approach. The curriculum changed due
to some reasons such as the needs of the learners that required new
competences. The curriculum is changed to improve the quality of our education.
Unfortunately, the changes of curriculum are not accompanied by the changes of
the teachers. It happened in Indonesia, when the government changed curriculum
from KTSP to the 2013 curriculum, then after 2 years due to some reasons the
2013 curriculum have to be replaced by KTSP. The teachers found many
difficulties to implement the new curriculum caused by the lack of teachers‟
experience in teaching, lack of knowledge and understanding about the curriculum.
In line with the issues, this study is aimed at identifying the teachers‟
perceptions on the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP which
focus on difficulties and differences. The qualitative case study was used in
this research. The data are collected from two teachers who teach English at
one senior high school in Margahayu by conducting the
interview. Then the data from the interview were analyzed by applying five
steps; organizing the data, engaging the data, coding the data, representing
the findings, and then interpreting the findings. The findings reveal that in
the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum, teachers faced some
difficulties related to the subject material, the teaching learning process and
the evaluation. There are three major point in the differences between the 2013
curriculum and KTSP; the subject material in 2013 curriculum is integrated,
while in KTSP is not integrated; the approach that used in 2013 English
curriculum is scientific approach, while KTSP is
genre- based approach; the evaluation of affective domain in 2013
English curriculum is evaluated explicitly, while in KTSP is evaluated implicitly.
A. Introduction
Curriculum in Indonesia has changed several times
(Hamied, 2014). Since 1960s which adopted the grammar translation method, the
curriculum in Indonesia developed in order to make learner master English.
Then, in early 1968 curriculum had changed by adopting the audio lingual
method. The audio lingual method survived about
9 years, until in 1984 curriculum changed again by adopting the
communicative approach. In 1994, it still used communicative approach but with different
label “meaning based curriculum” with focus on
theme based. After 10 years, in 2004, learners were expected to know the
literacy “discourse” so
the curriculum changed again, though it still adopted the communicative
approach, but it more focus on competence or product, so the 2004 curriculum
were known as curriculum based competence or KBK in Bahasa (Agustien, 2014).
Then, in 2006, learners were expected to understand the English text, the
curriculum changed again in which the teaching
process was used genre based approach, it was known as KTSP. After 7 years, in 2013, the government
introduced a new curriculum in order to make learners ready to the global
challenge (Hamied, 2014). It focused on emphasizing the affective domain where
the learners’
attitude and character are expected explicitly stated
in terms of competences across curriculum (Agustien, 2014). Though it still
used communicative approach, but the 2013 curriculum seems force students to be
autonomous learners, so the teaching process is adopted by using scientific approach.
In implementing the 2013 curriculum, teachers faced
many difficulties. They cannot teach the learners
used the recommended approach „scientific approach‟ due to many reasons,
such as they joined the training of 2013 curriculum
but they did not understand how to implement it since some of the teachers were
comfortable with the previous curriculum by using genre based approach
(Shofiya, 2014). Others thought that in 2013 curriculum, there is no practical
guideline for the teacher to teach English following the scientific thinking
pattern as what desired by the curriculum (Matra, 2014). Those reasons were
supported by Agustien (2014), teachers had a lot of pressure in implementing
2013 curriculum, since the aim of English language teaching is to develop the
ability to communicate in both spoken and written language, so they think that
genre-based approach is the suitable method for teaching English. On the other
hand, the government adopted new approach called a scientific approach. Here,
teachers must teach all subjects or across the curriculum use scientific
approach, which the target skill is science skills, not communication skills
like in genre based approach.
Due to some reasons that many teachers cannot
implement the 2013 curriculum, the government through the ministry of Education
changed again the curriculum, back to School- based Curriculum or KTSP. Hence,
the main purpose of this research is to investigate the teachers‟ perception toward KTSP and
2013 Curriculum in terms of approach they used in teaching learning
process that focused on the difficulties and
Research questions
There are three research questions in this study:
What are the teachers’ perceptions on the difficulties in
the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum?
What are the teachers’ perceptions on the differences in
implementing curriculum between the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP?
What are the teachers’ perceptions on curriculum changing
from the 2013 English curriculum to KTSP?
The scope of the Research
study focuses on the implementation 2013 curriculum and KTSP in terms of
approach, the method that they used in teaching learning process. Then, what
are being emphasized are the difficulties in implementing the 2013 curriculum
and the differences between 2013 curriculum and KTSP.
Significance of the research
The result of the research is hoped to give benefits for
teachers, the researcher, and the other researchers. For Teachers, through this research, the teacher will be able to
increase their knowledge about the curriculum and able to implement it as
required by the government. For researcher, through this study, the
writer will be able to improve his knowledge in writing good paper, and to
improve his knowledge in understanding the curriculum that can improve their
knowledge in implementing the curriculum. Then, for other researchers, they can use the result of this research as
a comparative study.
B. Review of The Literature
Curriculum in Indonesia
Richards (2001) stated that curriculum is educational program which
states: educational purpose of the program (ends/outcomes), the content,
teaching procedures and learning experiences which will be necessary to achieve this purpose (means/process) and some
means for assessing whether or not educational ends have been achieved (Vyas
& Patel, 2009). Then, National system of Education Act Number 20/2003
stated that curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements covering educational
goals, contents, learning material, and learning methods intended as the
guidelines in implementing the teaching learning process to achieve the goals
that have been set. Therefore, the role of curriculum in Indonesia is to
improve the quality of education.
Since 1968, curriculum in Indonesia has changed several
times. There are seven curriculums that have
been implemented in Indonesia: 1) 1960s which adopted grammar
translation method, 2) 1968-1975 which adopted the audio lingual method, 3)
1984 which adopted communicative approach, 4) 1994 which adopted communicative
approach labeled meaning-based curriculum, 5) 2004 which adopted communicative
approach label competence based curriculum, 6) 2006 which adopted genre based
approach labeled school-based curriculum - KTSP, and 7) 2013 curriculum which
adopted scientific approach (Hamied, 2014; Agustien,
2014; Matra, 2014).
The curriculum is changing because
of the situation
at that time, it can be because of the social, economic, politic, or
instructional which make the learners need and the goal of curriculum changed
(Richards, 2001).
In 2004, the government introduced new curriculum called competence-based
curriculum – KBK. the curriculum changed due to some reasons, there are: 1)
learners have different potential and this potential will develop if they are
given a suitable stimulus, 2) quality of education in Indonesia is still
low and neglected the attitude, character, etc. 3) global competence requires
competences; those who has competence will survive, while who has no competence
will fail, 4) there is competition in SDM which is the product of education, and 5) the competition is occurred
in institutional of education (Mirzon, 2004). Then, after 2 years, in 2006, the
government revised the KBK into new curriculum called KTSP. Theoretically,
there is no big influence especially to English subject, since the goals of the
curriculum is same as the KBK, but in KTSP, the schools were given an authority
to develop their own syllabus based on the schools‟ vision and mission
(Agustien, 2014). The teachers who usually became a user, changed become
creator in making their own syllabus.
In 2013, the government introduced new curriculum. This
curriculum emphasized the affective domain in Education (Agustien, 2014). The
2013 curriculum had to be introduced due to some reasons; the current global
challenges, required competencies, current negative phenomena especially among
young people, and discouraging perceptions among Indonesians regarding
education (Hamied, 2014). Here, the stakeholders believed that it is important
to introduce a new curriculum which also emphasizes the character building
(Prisilya, 2014). Therefore, the 2013 curriculum adopted a scientific approach,
that the government imposes that scientific approach is basically aimed at the
ability to gain or develop new knowledge through science-based learning cycle
in order to make them become autonomous learner.
What become controversy is that some teachers believe that
English language teaching is more effective if we used the genre-based approach
rather than using scientific approach. Since the aim of English teaching itself
is that learners master the communication skills not the science skills. Though
they believe that 2013 curriculum is the development of KTSP. Hamied (2014)
illustrated some essential differences between 2013 curriculum and KTSP;
Table 1: Differences
between the 2013 curriculum and KTSP (Badan Pengembangan
Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan, 2013)
2013 Curriculum
certain subject matter supports
certain competencies
subject matters support all competencies (attitude, skills, and knowledge)
All layers (primary and secondary)
subject matter is designed on its own and has its own competencies
of the subject matters is designed to have relationship with other subjects
with competencies bound together with core competencies of each grade
All layers
Indonesian language is equal to any other subject matter
Indonesian language supports all other subjects (attitudes and language
subject matter is taught each with a different approach
subject matters are to be taught using a science-based approach through
observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking
All layers
learning content area is separately taught (separate curriculum)
range of learning content is integrated in teaching (integrated curriculum)
content is integrated to stimulate
other learning areas
School-based Curriculum (KTSP)
KTSP is the curriculum that is introduced in 2006 replacing
KBK. This curriculum is a new strategy from government to develop our quality
of education by creating a school which is effective, productive and creative.
Therefore, 2006 curriculum was known as school-based curriculum. Here, the
schools are given an authority to make their own syllabus. The government
provided content standard, and Competence Standard for each subject, then the
development of those aspects are carried out by the schools based on their
needs and situations (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, 2015).
In KTSP, especially for English subject, the aim of English
language teaching is the students are able to use English written and spoken.
The most influence is English written; here the students are expected to be
able to read the textbook to gain the knowledge. Therefore, the English
language teaching in KTSP used genre based approach. It is used in order to
make students able to differentiate the type of text (Rachmawati & Madya, 2014).
Genre-based Approach
Genre based approach firstly develop in Australia and has been implemented in context SFL or EFL (Knapp
& Watskin, 2005; Derewianka, 2003). In Indonesian context, Genre based
approach is an approach that recommended to be used by the teacher in English language
teaching. This approach is more effective and appropriate to the creation of
the students‟ writing in term of communicative (Reppen, 2002), it is suitable
to be used in Indonesia since the
aim of English language teaching is concerned on a text-based.
There are two cycles and four main stages in genre based
approach (Rothery, 1996 cited in (Emilia, 2010; Agustien H. I., 2006)). In the first cycle, the
stages of GBA are: 1) building knowledge of the field (BKOF), 2) modeling of
the text (MCOT), 3) Joint construction of the text (JCOT), and 4) independent
construction of the text (ICOT). These stages are not linear process; these
stages can be conducted several times based on the needs and situation of the
teacher and learners (Thai, 2009; Emilia, 2010).
Agustien (2006) describe the stages of genre based approach
as follows:
In the first cycle,
teachers start by conducting the Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF) where
teachers and students build cultural context, share experiences, discuss
vocabulary, grammatical patterns and so on. They discussed the types of spoken
texts and topics they are going to deal with at the second stage.
Then, Modelling of Text
(MOT) is conducted where students listen to statements of short functional
texts, conversations, and monologues that are geared around a certain
communicative purpose.
Then, after listening,
students enter the third stage called Joint Construction of Text (JCT). At this stage they try to develop spoken
texts with their peers and with the help from the teachers. They can create
different announcements, conversations on showing how to do things, monologues
on how to make something and so on. They need to demonstrate their speaking
ability and to show confidence to speak.
After having the
experience of collaborating with friends, they enter stage four called
Independent Construction of Text (ICT). At this
stage, students are expected to be able to speak spontaneously or to carry our
monologues that are aimed at giving
directions or showing ways to do things such as how to make a kite, how to make
a paper cap, and so on. Thus, the first cycle integrates the development of
speaking and listening skills.
While, the second cycle
is aimed at developing the ability to use written language. The teachers and students go through all the four stages, but in MOT
students are exposed to written texts.

Diagram 1: Cycles and
Stages of Learning (Hammond et al. 1992:17)
The 2013 Curriculum
The 2013 curriculum is introduced by the government to
develop the previous curriculum, KTSP. In this curriculum, the learners are
expected to develop themselves as the well-behaved persons (Prisilya, 2014).
The aim of 2013 curriculum is to prepare learners so that they have competence
as a person and society who has faith, productive, creative, innovative and
affective that can give contribute
to our country (Permendikbud No 69, 2013). What makes different from KTSP, the
concept in the teaching learning process teacher is not the only one source
(Syahmadi, 2013). The teaching learning process more focus on students, known
as student-centered approach. Here, the learners are expected to be more active
in learning, or to be autonomous learners. That is the reason scientific
approach is adopted in 2013 curriculum.
The 2013 curriculum explicitly claims that scientific
approach is paramount to better the quality of teaching and learning. They
believed that scientific approach can develop students‟ affection, skills, and
knowledge. So, learning process should be done in a scientific process. Thus,
how learning takes place should be scientific-based, meaning that all processes
and steps of learning should reflect fixed procedures starting from observing,
questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking (Suharyadi, 2013).
Scientific Approach
Scientific approach in 2013 curriculum is expected to
be more effective in increasing students‟ learning
outcomes than the traditional one (Suharyadi, 2013). Theoretically, there are
seven stages in scientific approach proposed by Gerde, Schachter & Wasik
(2013) cited in Agustien (2013), there are:
Table 2: Instructional
Stages Adopting SA (Agustien H. I., 2014)
SA Method
· Opportunity
for children to observe the world
around them, to find things that intrigue them, and to start exploring
· Teachers
help children by defining and
describing what is being observed.
· Scientific
skills of observation, describing,
and labeling
· Oral
language development
Generating a question
· Based on children’s observations, create
a question that they want to answer.
· Teacher scaffold children’s language and help them take their ideas and make them into questions.
· Scientific
skills of generating a question
· Oral
language development
· Vocabulary knowledge
predictions and arriving at a
· Children
use their observation to make guesses about the answer to their question
· Teachers
help children use what they observed and background knowledge to make predictions about the answer
· Scientific
skills of predicting and verbalizing
· Understanding
of print knowledge
· Oral
language skill
Engaging in experimentation and testing
· Engage
in activities that allow for experiment and exploration in order to find answers to the question
· Teachers
arrange experiences that allow
children to engage in learning about the research question
· Scientific
skills of observation. Charting,
recording information
· Literacy
through writing and recording their
· Language
as they learn and use new vocabulary and report their observation and results to their peers
Summarizing and
analyzing results to form conclusion
· Pull
together the different findings from the
experimental phase to come up with results that answer the question
· Reflection
is a key part of this step where children return to what they hypothesized
and compare it with what they have found
· Teachers
help students analyze their findings and put the ideas together into a summary statement
· Science
skills of summarizing results and
drawing conclusions
· Math
skills of finding patterns, charting data and
· Oral
language is developed as they
explain idea
Communicating discoveries
· Children
share their findings with others
· Teacher can provide various methods/media for children to
tell others about what they learned
· Science
skills of communicating findings
· Literacy
developing their print knowledge and emergent writing
Identifying a new question
· Extend
children’s learning by identifying new questions building from their emerging
· Science
skills of developing questions and understanding science as a continuous
Indonesian context, learning steps in scientific approach are 1) observing, 2) questioning, 3) associating, 4)
experimenting, and 5) networking (Suharyadi, 2013). Those learning cycle in
scientific approach concerned in science skills, differ from genre based
approach which concerned in communication skills.
C. Research Methodology
Research Design
Case study research design is used in this study because
this study focus on a case that involve in bounded context happened in one of
senior high school in Margahayu. Case study is a detailed examination occurred in bounded
context of one setting, or a single subject, a single depository of document or
one particular event (Bogdan & Biklen, 1992; Malik & Hamied, 2014;
Cresswell, 2012). The samples of the research are two English teachers who
teach in senior high school. They have used the scientific approach and genre
based approach in teaching English.
Data Collection
The data is collected by conducting interview. Interview is
done to know the teachers’ belief regarding to the implementation of 2013
curriculum and KTSP. It is conducted in one on one interview. The process of
the interview is recorded to make the researcher easy to recheck the data.
Data Analysis
To identify the findings then the data are analyzed by
applying five steps according to Cresswell (2012), the steps are as follows:
1. Organizing data,
the researcher organizes the data by type from the interview.
2. Transcribe data,
the data that has been organized are transcribed. The results of interviews are
converted from audiotape into text data, which is called transcription.
3. Coding the data,
coding is the process of segmenting and labeling text to form descriptions and
broad themes in the data (Cresswell, 2012). The transcriptions are read
carefully to find the major themes of findings that must be related to the
research questions.
4. Representing the findings,
the major themes that have been
found as findings are represented by creating sub theme and then reported it in
narrative discussion.
5. Interpreting the findings,
the findings that have been reported in narrative wars are interpreted in the
meaning of the research. The interpretation consists of advancing personal
views, making comparison between the findings and the literature, and
suggesting limitations and future research (Cresswell, 2012).
D. Findings and Discussion
From the data analysis, three major phenomena were found.
They are:
Teachers’s perception on the difficulties in the implementation of the
2013 English curriculum.
Teachers’s perception on the differences in the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP.
Teachers’s perception on the curriculum changing
from 2013 curriculum to KTSP.
Teachers’ perception of difficulties
in the implementation of the 2013
English curriculum
The teachers have many perceptions about the difficulties in
the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum. I divided their perception
about the 2013 English curriculum to the major point relate to the curriculum;
the subject material, the teaching learning process and the evaluation.
a. The subject material in the 2013 English curriculum
The subject material
in the 2013 English curriculum is different from the previous curriculum. Since
the target domain more focus on the affective, then the subject materials are more authentic than the last
one. Here, all subject materials especially in English are changed, the subject
materials are provided with many tasks to do by students. since there are many
changing in the subject materials, the government provided the textbook for the
teacher and students, but in fact not all teacher and students have textbook to support the teaching and
learning process. Besides that, they also found difficulties in teaching
learning related to the affective domain.
Table 3: Teachers’ Perception toward the difficulties in implementing the 2013 English curriculum related to the subject Material
Teacher A
The subject materials that have to teach
are new since the target domain is affective. I think it is good for
education in Indonesia, but in fact there is no textbook that government
should facilitate, so we find difficulties in the teaching learning process
Teacher B
I think the subject material that should
teach in 2013 English curriculum more effective rather than previous
curriculum since the material more authentic, but we find the difficulties in
teaching material that relate to the core competence in terms of attitude (affective).
b. The teaching learning process
The teaching learning process in the 2013 curriculum is
different from the previous curriculum. The 2013 curriculum adopted new
approach called scientific approach. As it is stated by Suharyadi (2013), this
approach is claimed to be more
effective in increasing students‟ learning outcomes than the traditional one.
There are five stages that is proposed to follow in scientific approach;
observation, questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating. In
implementing those stages, teachers faced difficulties, since the approach is
new for them. For teacher who has
experience in the teaching learning process, they will have no problem since
the stages are similar to the genre-based approach, they find difficulties from
the students. In the teaching learning process using scientific approach, the
students are expected to be active, or become an autonomous learner. So, it is
difficult for them to adopt new approach, since they are not used to have more
tasks and practice. For beginning
teacher, there will be many
difficulties they faced. There is no specific guideline for teacher to
implement the scientific approach especially for English subject from the
government. So, for avoiding the mistakes, they are used genre-based approach. It is also difficulties for some
teachers who has been comfortable used the genre-based approach, they taught
that there is no need to change because the genre-based approach is more
effective than the new one.
Besides that, there is another difficulty related to time
allocation. In the 2013 English Curriculum, the time allocation is reduced.
There are many tasks to do but there is no much time. The teachers and students
got pressured, they have to master the curriculum objectives, they also have
not accustomed to the new curriculum, so they need to adopt this curriculum. But
in fact, rather than adding the allocation time, the government reduced the
allocation time for English subject.
Table 4: Teachers’ Perception toward
the difficulties in implementing the 2013 English curriculum related to the
teaching learning process
Teacher A
I find difficulties in teaching
using scientific approach since I have been comfortable used genre-based
approach; it is difficult for me to change this habit. When I tried to use
the scientific approach, I find that my students are passive; I think that
they also have been comfortable with last
There is also no guideline for
teacher to implement the scientific approach. For teacher who has no experience
in teaching learning will face difficulties, then because they do not want
make any mistakes, they used genre-based approach.
Teacher B
In the teaching learning process,
we have to use the scientific approach. There are five stages; observation,
questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating. Since this
approach is new for English teacher, we find many difficulties, especially in
questioning, because many students are passive, so it takes
time for students to adapt with
this approach.
Then, the allocation time is
reducing, so it gave us more problems, the stages of this approach need much
time, but the time for teaching process is reduced. Besides that, when we
have to implement problem-based approach, we also find difficulties because
it is difficult to find authentic problem in terms of language.
c. The evaluation in the implementation of the 2013 English Curriculum
The evaluation in the 2013 English curriculum is different
from the previous curriculum. In the assessment, the tasks are given more
authentic. As it stated by Hamied (2014), the assessment in 2013
English curriculum should be carried out with a competency- based, and also it
should be more authentic in which attitude, skills, and knowledge are to be
evaluated through process and outcomes in tandem.
When evaluating, teacher faced many difficulties related to
evaluate the affective domain. Because this curriculum focus on the character
building, the teachers should evaluate the students’s attitude
individually and explicitly. The problems occurred because teachers have many
students, so it is hard for them to evaluate them one by one. It will not be
problems if there are many teachers who teach English at school. Since there
are only two teachers who teach English at that school, it is hard for them to
evaluate students‟ attitude individually.
Table 5: Teachers’ Perception toward the difficulties in implementing the 2013 English curriculum related to the evaluation
Teacher A
English curriculum make us a teacher busy. We have to evaluate students in 3
target domains. In cognitive
domain, we have no difficulty since we have been used to this domain, but we
find many difficulties in assessing the affective domain. We have to evaluate
students‟ affective individually and explicitly. It is hard for me, because I have and I also have many tasks
regarding my position at school. many students, and I also have many tasks
regarding my position at school.
find many difficulties in evaluation the affective domain. Since I have many
students, it is difficult to assess their affective domain explicitly.
2. Teachers’ perception of differences in the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP
The teachers have many perceptions about the differences in
the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP. Here, the findings
were divided into three sub-point relate to both curriculum; the subject
material, the teaching learning process and the evaluation.
a. The subject material in the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP
As it is stated above, the subject material in the
2013 English curriculum is taught integrated. Differ from KTSP, the subject
material is taught separately. Besides
that, the content of the material in 2013 English curriculum are more authentic
than KTSP. Besides that, the use of language is also different, in the 2013
English curriculum, the subject material more focus in language use, in which
they have to use language as tool of communication. While in the KTSP, the
subject materials more focus on grammar, since the students are expected to be able to identify the text types.
Table 6: Teachers’ perception on contrasting between
the 2013 English
Curriculum and KTSP related to the Subject Material
Teacher A
· The
subject material is more logic, authentic.
· The subject material is taught integrated
· The
material seems illogical
· The
subject material is taught separately
Teacher B
· The
subject matter more focus on language use, students are forced to use
language as a tool of communication. So it is good to improve theirs speaking skill.
· The
subject materials are more focus on grammar, since the material are text-types.
b. The teaching learning
process in the 2013 English curriculum and
In the teaching learning process, both curriculum has
different approach. The 2013 English curriculum adopted scientific approach,
while KTSP adopted genre-based approach. As it is stated by Agustien (2006),
genre based approach has two cycle and four stages, they are: 1) building
knowledge of the field (BKOF),
2) modeling of the text (MCOT), 3) Joint construction of the text
(JCOT), and 4) independent construction of the text (ICOT). While scientific
approach, as it stated by Suharyadi (2013) has five stages, they are;
observation, questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating. The
centered of the teaching learning process is also different, genre-based
approach tend to teachers-centered, while scientific approach tend to students-centered.
Table 7: Teachers’ perception on contrasting between
the 2013 English
Curriculum and KTSP related to the teaching learning process
Teacher A
The teaching learning
process is conducted used scientific approach.
· The
students are more active (student-centered)
The teaching learning
process is conducted used genre-based approach.
· The
students are passive (teacher-centered)
Teacher B
· the
approach used is scientific approach
the teacher become a guide for students, since the
teaching learning more focus on students‟ centered
· The
students are expected to be an autonomous learner, so they are provided many
tasks and practice, the students are more active in the teaching learning process.
· the
approach used is genre- based approach
the teacher become a
source, the teaching learning more focus on teachers centered
· The
students are less active, since they are not provided many tasks to do.
c. The evaluation in the 2013 English curriculum and KTSP
Evaluation is one important aspect that make both
curriculum are different. This aspect also become reasons for the teachers who
cannot implement the 2013 English curriculum. The aspect that make different is
the affective domain. In the 2013 English curriculum, the affective domain has
to be evaluated explicitly, while in KTSP the affective domain is evaluated implicitly.
Table 8: Teachers’ perception on contrasting between
the 2013 English
Curriculum and KTSP related to the evaluation
Teacher A
affective domain is evaluated explicitly individually
The affective domain is not evaluated explicitly
Teacher B
character building is evaluated explicitly using rubric
character building is evaluated implicitly.
3. Teachers’ perception of the curriculum changing from 2013 curriculum to KTSP
It is usual that curriculum will be changed by
government to improve the quality of
education. It occurred not only in Indonesia, but also in other countries.
Since 1968, curriculum in Indonesia has changed several times (Hamied, 2014;
Agustien, 2014). Different from the last changing, the curriculum changing from
the 2013 Curriculum to KTSP became hot topic due to some reasons. Though the
changing is for our quality of education that many teachers are no ready to
implement this curriculum, but some teachers thought that the solution is not
by changing the curriculum. They thought that the teachers are not ready
because they have not trained well about the curriculum. So it will be better
if they are trained again about the curriculum. Besides that, the teachers
implemented this curriculum about 1 year, even for some teachers they only
implemented in one semester, so we cannot judge that this curriculum is not
good to be implemented. Because they thought that what we need to improve the
quality of education in Indonesia is the teacher who has good quality. So, what
the government needs to do is to improve the quality of teacher by giving them
training to improve their self-development.
Table 9: Teachers’ perception toward curriculum changing
from the curriculum 2013 to KTSP
Teacher A
In my opinion, when
curriculum changes, it is a good movement for education in Indonesia, since
the aim of the curriculum change is to improve the quality of our education.
In 2013 curriculum, I find that the students are more active, and it is good
for them to improve their skills especially in English subject. They become
an autonomous learner, and there are no spoon-fed again in the teaching
learning process. Though, I still find difficulties in implementing 2013
English curriculum, I think this curriculum is better than the previous one.
When we have to change the curriculum and back to the KTSP,
I felt disappointed because what we need is a time and the training for the
teachers. It doesn’t mean KTSP is not good, but some teachers felt confused
in the teaching learning process especially for teacher who has no experience
in the teaching learning process.
Teacher B
I think there is no big influence when 2013 curriculum
changed to KTSP, because the aim of the curriculum itself is to improve our
quality of education. But, in the teaching learning process, cause the
approach used changing, the situation of the teaching learning also changes.
Since there are no much tasks to do by students, they are less active than
when we taught used scientific. but I think, it become a task for teacher to
be more creative, we still can use GBA but the teaching learning focus on
student, students‟ centered.
In my opinion, the big problem in our education is the
“teacher”. Since there are many teachers who still comfortable with the
traditional way, and do not want to improve their self-development. So what
we need is not only the changing of curriculum but also the teachers‟
training to improve our self-development.
E. Conclusion and Recommendation
In conclusion, in the implementation of the 2013 English curriculum, teacher faced
some difficulties, they are: the material that is different from the previous
curriculum which focus on the affective domain, the approach that used to teach
is new called scientific approach, and the evaluation is wider than the
previous one, the affective domain is evaluated explicitly. Then, there are
three major point in the differences between the 2013 curriculum and KTSP; the
subject material in 2013 curriculum is integrated, while in KTSP is not
integrated; the approach that used in 2013 English curriculum is scientific
approach, while KTSP is genre-based approach; the evaluation of affective
domain in 2013 English curriculum is evaluated explicitly, while in KTSP is
evaluated implicitly.
Teachers thought that the problems that occurred in our
education are not because of the curriculum changing, but it occurred because
of the teachers. Though some curriculum changed because of the challenged and some required competences, but last
changing caused by the teachers are not ready to implement the new curriculum.
It means that there are some teachers in Indonesia who has low quality or has
not trained well. So the task for the government before they changed the
curriculum is that give the training
to the teacher to improve teachers‟ self-development and their quality
of teaching.
Since this research is a case study that occurred in
one school at Margahayu,
so the result of this research will not be same as the other schools. Besides
that, the samples in this research are only two teachers who have taught
English more than 10 years, so their opinions will not be same as the teachers who have taught for 1 year. So it is
recommended to do a deep research with more samples and do it in many schools
to get more objective results.
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