Selasa, 05 Januari 2016


An Essay of a Weekly Report Presentation on November 17th, 2015

Submitted as the Requirement to Fulfilled an Assignment of
English as Foreign Language Methodology Course
Under the Direction of Prof. Dr. Hj. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M. Pd

Written by:
Rezki Firdaus


This written is a weekly report presentation about Teaching Speaking material in Harmer’s book in 2007a pages 343-363, Text-Based Teaching material in Thai’s book in 2009 pages 1-98, Basic Concepts in Test Development material in Brown’s book in 2001 pages 384-400 another related books and related journals. It was written to fulfil the EFL Methodology assessment. In writing this weekly report presentation on November 17th, 2015, the writer would recall all of the third reading report presentation, question – answer, and give some comment as part of it. This weekly report presentation presented by Marco Alexandro Tobing as the first presenter, Slamet Suwanto as the second presenter, Ahmad Zaki Mubarak as the last presenter.

1.    Report Summary of the Presentation
a.    First Presenter (Marco Alexandro Tobing); Teaching Speaking
 Speaking is known as productive skills. But there are many arguement let’s say that “its better to teach speaking students’already have basic knowledge in English grammar. Teaching speaking will be closely related to the other skills as speaking activities will also use the other language skills. After that, Marco’s started with the outline of his presentation. The outline of his presentation were; elements of speaking, students and speaking, classroom speaking activities, sequencing, and recording. He started from the Elements of speaking. There are three elements of speaking; different speaking events, conversational strategies, and functional language. In diffentiate the speaking events it can be categorize into three dimension; first, purposes of speaking itself. Second, participation in speaking events, and the last is planned.
Its purpose divided into two categorize, as a transactional and interpersonal. Transactional function use the elements of speaking to convey correlation. Interpersonal function were use to sustain in teaching people. The participation in speaking events, categorize as interactive and non-interactive speaking activities. Interactive in speaking activities means there are an active interaction between the speaker and the listener. So, the connection will be good. Non-interactive speaking discussed about whether the conversation is planned or not. And the last was planned. It cotegorized into two, planned and unplanned. Planned here means we prepare the students well before going to do an activities, i.e. speech contest or something else. Unplanned means we don’t have to prepare anything before do some activities. Just speak what we are going to speak.
The next elements of speaking is conversational strategies. Conversational strategies is the elements of speaking ability that showed by a students in a conversation. There are many elements related to the conversational strategies. The elements are; conversational rules and structure, survival and repair strategies and the last was real talk. Lets start with the first elements, conversational rules and structure. In conversational rules and structure we can use some strategies such as; conversational openings (How are you, That’s a nice dog, etc), interrupting (Sorry to interrupt, but...), topic shift (By the way, that reminds me….), and closing (It’s been nice talking to you…). The second elements was survival and repair strategies. In these elements strategies students might use repetition, paraphrase, an all purpose phrase to get round the problem of not knowing word (it’s a what-d’you-call-it), and appeal for help (what’s the word for something you play a guitar with) to make them increase their skills. And the last elements of conversational strategies is real talk. It means we done a face to face conversation between speakers and learners. In this strategies teacher could prepare students with questioning reformulation (i.e. repeating what the other just said), multifunctional question forms (Did you consider the possibility of an alliance with other organizations? which functions as both suggestion and criticism), and the pilling-up of questions one after the other.
The last elements of speaking is functional language. The fuctional strategies is use fixed phrases and adjacency pairs. Fixed phrases is activities that fix the language o students during the class especially when offering something or help. Adjacency pairs fuctionally to know and understand the use of such phrases in pairs.
Students and speaking. In students and speaking, there is a reluctant students in class and the role of teacher that were use in class too. Why there is a reluctant students in a class? its because the students feel shy and presiaposed to speak in front of other her/his classmates. And the students will feel fear their performance bad if they were speak in front of the class. How to help this kinds of students, we can make sure that the students make a preparation before doing a speaking activities. Prepare what they want to say, practice it in their mind, speak by themelves aloud or they can make a recording of their speaking to make sure it done well or even make a corection after they have been perform. Another way, is use the value of repetition; plan what they were going to speak, perform it, analyze the mistake what they have done after that make a repetition to make it better and better. Usually a reluctant students easily find in a big group. So, to make them not becoming a reluctant students try to use a small group. In a small group every students have chance to speak productively. In mandatory participation, we can use some kinds of activities such as ‘number heads’ or ‘speaking grids’.
The role of teacher in class activities; as prompter, participant, feedback provider and giving clear instruction or even demonstration. As prompter, teacher may help and offer suggestions when students struggle in their speaking. By doing this supportively and without disrupting the discussion or forcing students out of role, it will stop students being frustrated when they are having difficulties in expressing language or idea. As Participant, teacher also could participate in dialogue as near equal participant to ensure the discussion. However, it should be done without decreasing students chance to talk.  As feedback provider, is gives positive effect to the students. Feedback will affect students speaking fluency by letting them know how they should speak in the future. There is another crucial job for teacher in teaching speaking. Teacher in the activity need to give clear instruction or even demonstrations to make sure their students understand what they should do.
Classroom speaking activities, sequencing, and recording. Classroom speaking activities can bedone by acting from script, sommunication games, discussion, prepare talk, questionnaires, simulation and role play. In sequencing activities, can be done by using an instructions for a class activities especially in a group or individually. After they have done the activities the teachers can give some feedback of their activities. By using recording, make them as a centrak learning aid in additional activity. Its also increase students’ enjoyment, interaction, and cooperation during speaking activity especially in a group. This activity also can be done outside the classroom activity.
There are 3 related research that were found by Marco’s. First, it was conducted by Morales (2014), that try to research about the use of CALL or Computer Assisted Language Learning. He found that by using video or voice recorder, voice recognition program, and visual feedback program. It will improve speaking elements in pronunciation, intonation, and stress to get closer to native speaking ability. He also found that Independent learning is different from classroom learning. It can be used as complementary.
The secind research was conducted by Shumin (2002 in Richards & Renandya, 2002 pp.204). He try to found if there is an importance of using speaking skills according to the conversation content. Two ways to improve speaking abilities using small talks and interactive activities. Small talks, Engaging casual conversation. More experience will help learner to use it in simple exchange or to open conversation. After that by using an interactive activities. By using interactive activities will arouse their willingness to speak. It should be meaningful, manipulative, and communicative which also involve students in many different purpose conversation.
And the last research that were found is done by Christopher F. Green, Elsie R. Christopher, and Jacqueline Lan in Richards & Renandya (2002), who developing discussion skills in ESL classroom. They found that role of teacher, provide source of information, animation, and feedback. Restricted during the pre-discussion and discussion activity. And then, students are expected to be able to contribute effectively while it might damage intragroup dynamics. By using a discussion skill, it will make them focused on the self-directed discussion

b.   Second Presenter (Slamet Suwanto); Text-Based Teaching
The next presenter conducted by Suwanto’s. He tries to show his reading understanding about Text-based teaching. He presents her outline of his presentation such as; What is a text? Text within context, A text-based teaching methodology: the text-based working cycles, Designing a course in text-based approach, Assessment in text-based approach, Learners texts, Related theories and research report.
What is a text? According to (Thai, 2009:2) text is any stretch of spoken or written language that is meaningful in a social context. It is meaningful because it fulfills a social purpose and represents a unified whole. So, the text should be meaningful. If there is no meaning it can be said as a texts. A text can be a written or spoken.
Text differ in different contexts (Thai, 2009:7). Thai divided the text into 2 categorize, text as a genre and register. Genre can be define as culturally specific texts with particular patterns that fulfil different social purposes. It means language users draw on genres to fulfil their individual purposes. As register, there are three variables that determine how the text differ; Field, Tenor, and Mode. Field refers to what is going on (the activity). It is about who does what to whom and under what circumstances. Teachers and students are able to examine words and structures that are used in texts to make meaning. Tenor, refers to the relationship between people in a social situation (the people’s status, how often they have contact, whether there is an element of power). The students able to explore how words and structure are chosen. Mode, refers to the channel of communication. It means spoken or written language, face to face or over distance communication. Spoken/written to make meaning.
A text-based teaching methdology: the text-based working cycle. The text-based teaching methodology refers to an actual sequence of classroom activities based on a syllabus or a course plan to be carried out by a teacher and his/her students. The working cycles stages are Understanding Context of Text, Understanding Text, Constructing Text and Applying Text. Understanding context of text, to get learners to understand the context of the text being taught. Understanding the context of the text used to get general idea about its purpose, staging/text structure, audience and language feature. After that, raise the learners’ awareness of the social purpose of the chosen model text. To make the students understand the context of text, it can be done through some activities such as; discussing in group, pair or whole class about the subject, topic of several texts given, finding the context by comparing among texts or finding the purpose and the setting of the text.
Next stages, Understanding the Text. By understanding the text its help students to further examine the social purpose and overall structure of the text chosen for the context in the first stage. teachers facilitate the students to understand the presentation texts in context, sorting, matching, sequencing and labeling exercises and activities on cohesive devices, such as conjunction, lexical items, references, grammatical features: verb tenses, articles, adverbs, word choices and word combination. The teachers also facilitate the students to understand the level of expression, such as the use of spoken and written language, tone, intonation, gestures, attitude, emotion, politeness formula. He/she needs to give the opportunity for the students to share their ideas about text aspects in a collaborative and supportive processes, and to interact with the text, the teacher and others. It can be done through discussing about text-structure of conversation, the social purpose, language features, word choices, sentence structure, types of polite request. Discussing the model conversation text and discussing about adjacency pairs/formulaic language (offer/accept, request/grant, question/answer)
After that, constructing text. In constructing text, its guide students jointly construct texts with the teacher and the peer. The teachers should facilitate the students to work with group/pair, group or whole class, give opportunity to share the idea on language features, vocabulary, and a particular structure of text in group by discussing them with more competent peer, to promote oral activities among students guided by the teacher and giving them to start constructing the text-type and the teacher gradually reduces the contribution to the text. The students and the teacher, students and students in pair or group, talk and share to construct purposeful conversation texts. Role play can be used to enable the students take over the activity by themselves. Both teacher and students assess the activity.
And the last stages is applying text. In this stages the students try to respond and create the text by themselves, without the help of others. The teacher facilitates the students to apply the knowledge and understanding of constructing text by themselves and also to consult with teacher if it is needed and making some revision of the text at the end of the activity. The students construct the conversation text by themselves without the teacher’s intervention or guidance.
Text steps in designing a course in text-base approach. Identifying the learners’ needs and goals, teachers must analyze students’ needs and goals. It will help teacher to use appropriate material and strategy for the teaching activities. Course planning, the students are placed in a course suitable to their needs and goals, recommended language level, age, learning pace and education level. The aims and objectives are the most important thing that should be put on the Course planning. Organizing course content, The duration of a course and hours are allocated for topics or learning outcome depend on the availability of time and organizational patterns of the courses of a language institute. Topic as items of course content, it may contain: a set of related topics which covers a number of social contexts, text-types that may occur in those social contexts with their particular language features, and skills, strategies and learning outcomes. Learning outcomes as items of course content, it means collaborative work between the teacher and the students is carried out in the text-based approach towards a specific language outcome.
Assessment in text-based approach. Assessment should meet three variables: assessment criteria, assessment conditions, and assessment tasks. Assessment criteria, provides evidence of students’ achievement, skills/competencies in course outcomes. Assessment conditions, describe the circumstances or modes in which an assessment is done. And assessment tasks, mentions activities to be used in an assessment, such as going on holiday, booking at travel agent.
Assessment: validity and reliability. Validity means in assessment refers to the idea that assessment should be based on the content, skills and knowledge that have been specified. It should assess what it sets out in the course. Reliability means in assessment refers to consistency in the teacher’s judgment of students’ achievement.
Learners’ texts. There are more than one the kinds of text. Thai divide into 24 kinds of text and its purposes.
Text types
to retell past events or experiences
Information report
to give information about a particular topic
Exposition (argument)
to argue from one side of an issue
Exposition (persuasion)
to persuade others to do something
to tell how to do something
Spoken exchange(casual conversation)
to maintain relationship
Spoken exchange (phone conversation)
to request goods and services
Spoken exchange (conversation)
to request information
to set up conditions for behavior
to explain why or how something happens
to present both sides of an issue before coming to a conclusion
to review or give a personal response to a text
to entertain readers with a story
to describe features of a person or thing
Diary entry
to record various personal reflections/experience
Written exchange (e-mail)
to inform or seek immediate responses by means of an economical form of electronic communication
Written exchange (SMS)
to inform or seek immediate responses by means of an economical form of electronic communication (mobile phone)
to provide information as required
Formal letter
to request information or goods and services to express an opinion in a formal context
Personal letter
to communicate with acquaintances (family/friends) in writing
To present information or recount experiences
To instruct, request, inform or remind....
To express an opinion or feeling, convince or persuade, recount, inform, entertain...
Visual text/image
to present information’s/events/experiences/ opinions  / reflections
Related to the researchers and related theories that conducting with his reading report. First conducting by Hayland 2004:10-11, in Helena, Genre-based approach and the 2004 English curriculum). He explain that Genre text teaching is: Explisit. makes clear what is to be learned to facilitate the acquisition of writing skills. Systemic. provides a coherent framework for focusing on both language and context. Needs-based. ensures that course objectives and content are derived from students need. Supportive. gives a teacher a central role in scaffolding students learning and creativity. Empowering. provides access to the patterns and possibilities of variation in valued text. Critical. provides the resources for students to understand and challange valued discourse. Consciousness raising. Increases teacher awarness of text and confidently advise students on their writing.
The next researcher was conducted by Emilia, E. (2011). Pendekatan Genre-Based dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris: Petunjuk untuk Guru. There are some pointers for the teachers before they implement genre-based approach: 1) The implementation of this approach is flexible. It is not a kind of lockstep idea. 2) A cycle in GBA implies the idea that learning can be started from any steps. 3) GBA cannot be completed in one or two meetings, but it needs longer time (maybe 1 month or even longer). 4) Learning activity is carried out integrated. 5) Learning grammar becomes the main aspect in reading, writing, speaking and listening instructions. 6) The teacher must be aware that GBA is not a stagnant formula. 7) SFL GBA focus not only on the result, but also on the process of teaching and learning.

c.    Third Presenter (Ahmad Zaki Mubarak); Basic Concepts in Text Development
The outline of his presentation is summary of the chapter and related book; Design of test, Classic criteria of the test, Five kinds of test, Historical development. The topic position on education. Planning, implementing then evaluating. Planning here is conducting to make sure that we will done the correct plan with our students need, after that we are going to implementing what we have planned previously. After we have do the first step and the second step, we have to evalutae and give some feedback to the students.
Related to the topic position on education, there are term should be important to mention, such as; evaluation, assessment, measurement and test. Assessment, can be act by test. Test is a method of measuring a person's ability or knowledge in a given domain. Method is a set of techniques, procedures, and items that constitute an instrument. Through a good method we will get the better benefit of its. And then, by Measurements in will quantified the result in mathematic. And the last by given domain it will become a sampling of skills, proficiency in a language, general competence in all skills of a language.
Value-based test. Value-based test will get equal opportunity of knowledge, ability time and technology. Justice also goos for institution and social. There are two kinds of test design; norm-reference and criterion-referenced (Brown, 2001). Norm-referenced test means each test-taker's score is interpreted in relation to a mean, median, standard deviation, and/or percentile rank. The purpose in such tests is to place test-takers along a mathematical continuum in rank order. Typical of norm-referenced tests are standardized tests intended to be administered to large audiences, with results quickly disseminated to test-takers. Criterion-referenced tests are designed to give test-takers feedback on specific course or lesson objectives, that is, the "criteria” (Brown, 2001). Classroom tests involving smaller numbers, and connected to a curriculum, are typical of criterion-referenced testing. Here, more time and effort on the part of the teacher (test administrator) are usually required in order to deliver the feedback.
According to (Harmer, 2007), he divided the test design into two categorize; direct and indirect. Direct means if  a test item asks candidates to perform the communicative skill which is being tested. Indirect means try to measure a student's knowledge and ability by getting at what lies beneath their receptive and productive skills (Multiple choice questions (MCQs), Cloze procedures, Transformation and paraphrase, Sentence re-ordering).
Related to (Haynes, 2010) he divide the test design into three categorize; in-the- moment assessment, routine assessment and summative assessment. In-the-moment assessments, which occur as the teach­ers observe students engaging in classroom activities; Routine assessments, such as teacher evaluation of quizzes, journal entries, and homework; and Summative assessments, such as teacher evaluation of student work at the end of a unit (i.e., final presenta­tions, tests, theme projects).
There are classic criteria in doing an assessment. The criteria was practicality, reliability and validity. Practicality is within the means of financial limitations, time constraints, case of administration, and scoring and interpretation. Reliability is consistent and dependable. If you give the same test to the same subject or matched sub­jects on two different occasions, the test itself should yield similar results. Validity is Statistical correlation with other related measures is a standard method. But ultimately, validity can be established only by observation and theoretical justification. The classic criteria can be found in (Malik and Hamid, 2014) books. This is an example of classic criteria;

In classic criteria there are some types of reliability to use, such as; test-restest, alternate form, split half, and alpha cronbach. Test-retest means the test was done or administered two times in one test session. Alternate form means the form differentiate into two kinds of form at the same test by coverage and the level of difficulty. Split half means in one times test will sets with two kinds of scores.
There are three kinds of validity in content criteria. They are content validity, face validity adn construct validity. Content validity is a test actually samples the subject matter about which conclusions are to be drawn or it requires the test-taker to perform the behavior that is being measured. Face validity which asks the question "Does the test, on the 'face' of it, appear from the learner's perspective to test what it is designed to test?”. Construct validity is asking the ques­tion 'Does this test actually tap into the theoretical construct as it has been defined?" "Proficiency" is a construct. "Communicative competence" is a con­struct. "Self-esteem" is a construct. Virtually every issue in language learning and teaching involves theoretical constructs.
To make a good test to check the proficiency of students. It can be done through these five kinds of test. They are A proficiency test, A diagnostic test, A placement tests, Achievement tests, and A language aptitude test. A proficiency test is not intended to be limited to any one course, curriculum, or single skill in the language. A diagnostic test is designed to diagnose a particular aspect of a language. A placement tests is design to place a student into an appropriate level or section of a language curriculum or school. Achievement tests are limited to particular material covered in a curriculum within a particular time frame, and are offered after a course has covered the objectives in question. A language aptitude test is designed to measure a person's capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language and to be successful in that undertaking.
Historical developmental of language testing. In the 1950s, behaviorism is special attention to contrastive analysis, testing focused on specific language elements such as the phonological, grammatical, and lexical contrasts between two languages which is discrete point. 1970s and '80s, is used communicative theories of language brought on more of an integrative view of testing in which testing specialists claimed that the whole of the communicative event was considerably greater than the sum of its linguistic elements through integrative testing methods (Clark, 1983: 432).
The first related research was conducted by Frances and Robin related to Standardized assessment of the content knowledge of English language learners K–12: current trends and old dilemmas. This research concludes that Applied linguists, language testers, psychometricians, classroom teachers, district, state and federal officials, and  other experts in the field of education should join together in serious collaboration. While some work is underway within individual disciplines and contexts, solid progress will only be made through an integration of expertise. Language testers bring to the table a unique expertise that is rarely applied in K–12 environments. The knowledge of sound test development principles, coupled with a knowledge of how to best evaluate language ability, makes language testers and other applied linguistics colleagues invaluable participants in undertaking the research recommended above.
After that, the second research was conducted by AIE, about Profiles of Assessment Systems Worldwide Educational Assessment in England. This research explains the assessment system in England, concentrating on those aspects that are related to government policy. It begins by putting the system in context; it then describes the national educational structure, curriculum and assessment arrangements. The government agencies responsible for carrying out education policies are introduced. In order to illustrate the intersection of curriculum and assessment development and political policy, the profile describes and discusses assessment issues that highlight the role of government and its agencies in the development, implementation and monitoring of England’s national curriculum tests and 14 to 19 qualifications. It argues that successive governments have increasingly intervened directly in curriculum and qualifications development, and observes the growing governmental policy influence over assessment issues and the repercussions of that influence.
The third research was conducted by Dysthe, O., et. al. who made the Variations in portfolio assessment in higher education: Discussion of quality issues based on a Norwegian survey across institutions and disciplines. He/she present findings from a survey study of portfolio assessment practices in four Norwegian higher education institutions after a major educational reform had introduced more varied assessment forms, more compulsory writing and closer follow-up of students. The purpose behind the study was to map these newly emerging writing and assessment practices in order to find out how teachers conceptualized portfolio assessment in different types of institutions and disciplines, and what this meant for how portfolios were used and assessed. Their findings show that the portfolios were all text based, but with great variations in genres and overall structure as well as in formative and summative assessment practices. The general tendency was that ‘soft’ disciplines had more reflection based and varied portfolio models than the ‘hard’ disciplines (maths, sciences and engineering). This same tendency goes for peer response, which was less used in hard than in soft disciplines. The focus of the article is to discuss the implications of some of the major findings for the quality of assessment, particularly the disciplinary diversity issue, feedback practices and explicit criteria.
Sook, Kim Hyun. The Types of Speaking Assessment Tasks Used by Korean Junior Secondary School English Teachers which aimed to identify the types of speaking assessment tasks used by Korean Junior Secondary School English teachers and the ways in which those assessments were administered; to investigate Korean teachers' perceptions of the practical constraints in Korean EFL classrooms which affect assessment of speaking. The study found that the speaking assessment tasks used by Korean Junior Secondary School English teachers were those which: gave the students less psychological burden; were time-saving and designed for the convenience of construction and administration; did not demand the teacher to take the role of an interviewer. As well, the study found that when assessing the speaking skills of their students, Korean Junior Secondary School teachers were not concerned with the validity and reliability of their assessments. Nor were the teachers equipped with an adequate theory of speaking assessment.
Wharton, S.  Teaching Language Testing on A Pre-service TEFL Course. This research is talking about language testing for teacher. Since EFL teachers can be involved in language testing from very early in their careers, pre-service training courses often include a language-testing component. The challenge for trainers is to integrate this complex content subject into the wider course, and help trainees acquire the confidence to continue to learn about it afterwards. This article describes the language testing component of a pre-service training course at a British university. It outlines the activities used, and shows how they enable the teacher to address target content. It also explains how the procedures form part of a wider approach to teacher education.

2.    Question and answer
There are five questions in this part. The first question asking by ..., the second questions asking by ..., the third questions asking by..., the fourth questions asking by ..., and the last questions asking by, ... (it will be written at the last page of this report)

3.    Comment
For the first presenter, it can be concluded that the importance of teaching speaking cannot be separated with an actual conversation with other people. Teaching speaking elements are not only about the competency in pronunciation, intonation, and stress which is in producing the language. Teacher should realize this, and they should equip their students by actual conversational strategy. The ability to produce language should be accompanied by conversational strategies like using phrases and conversational repair strategies. Speaking ability cannot only be focused in producing language perfectly, but the ability to engage in conversation. Students need to be exposed to English language to make them able using the other language skills with speaking. It is can be done by practicing in and outside the classroom with the cooperation of teacher and their classmates/friends.
For the second presenter, the teachers’ lack of knowledge and skills in genre-based approach are the main factors in implementing text-based teaching or genre-based approach. The problems that teachers have such as the understanding the principles of text-based teaching, understanding the types of texts, and identifying what to do when the students are at every stage of the four cycles. In classroom management, most teachers use their time in the class to explore generic structure, vocabulary, and grammar, not for reading comprehension or constructing texts, which is a more essential objective. Since this approach is strongly suggested to be implemented at schools by the curriculum (government), the government should provide the training or workshop to the English teachers entire the country on how to implement the GBA in the classrooms.
For the last presenter, whatever the kind of the test, the result is metric. The appropriate interpretation of metric will help understanding the formula of test taker’s achievement. It aims to predict the test taker’s success at future and judge their ability. It is not easy to design, but it impossible to construct and will help them to predict their future by using test-based. Test designers have a responsibility to offer multiple modes of performance to account for varying styles and abilities among test-takers.  They have individual inclined which need special test. The single of the test will limit them to choose the kind of test, although every kind of test has particular objective. The challenge is, could the test maker construct the content test (difficulties, objective) in various kind of test similarly? The aim is to give test taker some choices to take a test. Tests are deeply embedded in culture and ideology. TOEFL is American minded as well IELT is Britain or Australian one. Test-takers are political subjects in a political context. Ujian Nasional (national examination) is one example of political education policy. Some practitioners do a protest to government to the test because of reasons. It shows us that education generally and test specifically was influenced by politic. Political free is impossible, but it can be tried to implement in order education runs on the right way based on its expert not political needs.

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