Selasa, 05 Januari 2016


An Essay of a Weekly Report Presentation on November 03rd, 2015

Submitted as the Requirement to Fulfilled an Assignment of
English as Foreign Language Methodology Course
Under the Direction of Prof. Dr. Hj. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M. Pd

Written by:
Rezki Firdaus



This written is a weekly report presentation on Teaching the Four Language Skill, Teaching reading, Teaching listening and Teaching writing material in Harmer’s book in 2007a, Harmer’s book in 2007b, another related books and related journals. It was written to fulfil the EFL Methodology assessment. In writing this weekly report presentation on November 03rd, 2015, the writer would recall all of the fourth reading report presentation, question – answer, and give some comment as part of it. This weekly report presentation presented by Ni’mal Fuyudloturrohmaniyyah as the first presenter, M. Hasanul ‘Aqil as the second presenter, Dewi Nur Asyiah as the third presenter and Dian Ardiansah as the last presenter.

1.    Report Summary of the Presentation
a.    First Presenter (Ni’mal Fudyudloturrohmaniyyah); Teaching the Four Language Skills
As the beginning of her presentation, she gave the outline of her presentation such as: pros and cons of integrated skills teaching, sequencing teaching integrated skills, teaching receptive skills, teaching productive skills and related research. Then, as the part of her outline she started with Pros and Cons of Integrated skills teaching. As the pro and cons of integrated skills teaching. Harmer actually pro with integrated skills in teaching English. He believes that by offering integrated skills in teaching a language will light of input and output and also exposure in learning activities. When a student produces a piece of language and sees how it turns out, that information is fed back into the acquisition process. Output becomes input (Harmer, 2007). The output seems to be satisfying since he gathers and process his first output with the input from other sources to refine and synthesize them to produce a better output. In addition, by giving written and oral input they have to read and listen will not only help visual and linguistic learners but audio and musical learners as well. By teaching language skills integrated, it maximizes learning opportunities for students with different learning styles. (Brown, 2001) believe that to make it possible in integrated skills in teaching its need to impractical it. Then, when do we do that kind of activities it’s also time consuming.
Sequencing teaching integrated skills. There are four ways to make the learning sequencing integrated with teaching skills context. Speaking as preparation and stimulus, utilizing small talk for brainstorming and investigate students’ thoughts and feelings towards the topic offered. Text as models, providing examples of written and spoken texts contain the topic for students to follow later on. Text as preparation and stimulus, Students are prepared to produce language by exposing them to the written and spoken texts to stimulate their prior knowledge and get inspired. Integrated task, provide tasks that will get students explore their four language skills altogether. Task bottom up/top down techniques, in top down processing, the reader (or listener) gets a general view of the reading or listening passage by, in some way, absorbing the overall picture. Bottom up technique is more concerned with the activation of schemata, meaning, global understanding of the text. In bottom up processing, on the other hand, the reader (or listener) focuses on such things as individual words, phrases, or cohesive devices understanding by stringing these detailed elements together to build up a whole. In other words, students build up the language from constituent parts.
There are some ways to make integrated skill in teaching. For example, by using listen and repeated. It means that students listen the teachers and then repeated. Next, by using matching. In using a matching test. Some words choose then find the meaning beside the words. Reading, in reading activities, teacher ask the students to find the main idea after they have read the reading material continuously.  
Teaching receptive skills: started with lead-in, where to engage students with the topic and activate their prior knowledge related to the topic to build their interests to engage more in learning. Then, comprehension task, in general understanding of what, superficially, the text is all about. When giving comprehension tasks, make sure it is teaching not testing. It aims to help students to understand something, rather than challenging them to give right answers. Therefore, the tasks cannot be too difficult or too easy. Next, read/listen for task, in pairs or small groups to answer several questions which later on discussed with the class at the same time the teacher gives them feedback for their work. And the last, text-related task, as a follow up activity might be in the form of comments for the text or focus on language features within it.
Teaching productive skills: started with lead-in, in lead in activities by activating students’ prior knowledge of the topic to predict what they will encounter. Then, set the task, by explain students what they are going to do after making sure students are given information they need to complete the tasks. Next, monitor the task, listening to students working at the same time helping their practices. Also, respond to students writing and direct them to give their best on the tasks. After that, feedback task, inform students how well they have done, remind their failing as well as compliment and positive aspects of their work. Task related follow up, enrich students with task related to what they have done. Moreover, the follow up was by improvising, students are possible to make mistakes when they misuse the words or phrases to improve their speaking and writing. Discarding, omit or cancel when students do not know the words/phrases what they want to say or write. Foreignism, pronounce students L1 with target language pronunciation. Paraphrasing, describe unknown words by giving definition or example. Supply key language, which will support them to produce the language by themselves to accomplish the tasks. Plan activities in advance, students are given time to be introduced to the language, practice it, and plan production activities using the language.
Related research. Büyükkantarcıoğlu, König, and Karahan (2002) There is a statistically significant correlation between the reading and writing scores. In other words, the higher the reading score of a subject is, the higher his writing score is.
Zhou (2010) accomplished a research aimed to investigate the receptive and productive academic vocabulary knowledge. The receptive test correlated .617 with the productive test which was significant at the .001 level. Also, this means that one’s receptive academic vocabulary knowledge correlates with their productive knowledge.

b.   Second Presenter (M. Hasanul ‘Aqil); Teaching Reading
As the following coverage of his presentation about teaching reading. He started with reading, extensive – intensive reading and reading sequences. Reading: receptive skill, Receptive skills which is referred as passive demands the language activation in the part of accessing meaning to the text within which we are interacting. Reading is a complex information processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in order to recreate meaning discourse (Silberstein, 1994: 12). Reading requires engagement between the reader and the text. The reader tries to perceive the writer’s intention inferred from written language, supported by the reading situation context, and connect it to reader’s own background knowledge (Dutcher, 1990 in Harputlu & Akarsu, 2014).
Why reading? Reading skills are needed to carry out various everyday situation such as reading short story or novel, reading newspaper article, reading general instructions, understanding road signs, filling forms, interpreting labels, finding addresses, etc. (Nunan, 1989).
Extensive – intensive reading. Harmer (2007a) define an extensive reading as reading extensively facilitates students develop their words recognition and their improvement as readers overall. Carrell & Carson (1997, in Richards & Renandya, 2002: 295-296) state that "extensive reading...generally involves reading of large quantities of material or longer readings (e.g., whole books) for general understanding, with the focus generally on the meaning of what is being read than the language". Through reading extensive program, students will get chance to develop not only their reading proficiency, but overall language proficiency. However, extensive reading does not merely suggest students to ‘read a lot’, but it has to be teacher’s roles in maximizing this activity to the students. The purpose of extensive reading was having pleasure in reading, students need to have reading material that they can easily understand, without requiring them for struggling over every word they read. This means that teacher need to provide them with books which are specially written to students. Reading habit, give students exposure to read as much and various as possible. Hence, the focus is on the quantity and variety rather than the quality. Since the materials for reading are free to choose, it gives a wide opportunity to gain attractiveness criteria from the students.
Reading materials. without requiring them for struggling over every word they read, designed material for extensive reading is known as ‘language learner literature’-graded readers or simplified readers (Bamford and Day, 1998 in Harmer, 2007a).
Setting up the library. Accessible reading materials. Set up and filled with suitable books. Teacher can manage to set up a static library in the classroom by the help of the institution if possible, or in simple way, by setting up boxes or trolleys to manage the books. Coding the books for grade and level which will help students easily identify. Facilitates the students with their interest. Access to a good collection of books (Richards and Renandya, 2002).
Teachers’ roles. 1) as Promotor, Teacher needs to promote reading to the students by building their interest at first. 2) role model of reading, Teacher can be a good model of reading for the students. Teacher can read together in this extensive reading activity, show the books or materials he/she is reading, and let them see the way teacher reads silently. 3) organizer, teacher can then organize reading program in which indicates them how many books they are expected to read in a given period. Teacher needs to explain that students can make their own choices of what to read, what they enjoy and in appropriate level choices. 4) monitor, regular monitoring is recommended in order to check students’ progress. A simple book record or monthly teacher-students brief meeting can find out their progress and see if there any problems to their reading.
Extensive reading task. Reading as much and as often as possible. Report back their reading: meeting within two weeks for students to share their book and impression, weekly reading diary (reading record charts), write short book reviews for the class noticeboard, short interview, put comment sheets into the books.
Intensive reading. (Day and Bomford, 1998 in Richards and Renandya, 2002) define an intensive reading as analyzing and dissecting short difficult text under close supervision of the teacher. Intensive reading is to help students construct detailed meaning from the text, develop reading skills, and enhance vocabulary and grammar knowledge (Day and Bomford (1998) in Richards and Renandya, 2002). Reading in words to words basis and find the language interrelation among them to construct meaning. Reading in detail with specific purposes. Such skills are needed to equip students to deal with different texts reading activities.
Teachers’ roles in Intensive reading. As organizer, teacher is the one who tell the students exactly what their reading purpose is, give them clear instruction about how to achieve that purpose, and how long they need to do it. Observer, while students are doing their reading activities, teacher poses the role of an observer who observe their progress on it. Teacher needs to know how well students are doing their reading individually or collectively. Teacher will gain information that will drive him/her to decide whether the students need extra time to do it or proceed forward in organizing feedback. Feedback organizer, organizing feedback is conducted after students have completed their reading. This is purposed to check whether they have completed it successfully or not. Students can be asked to compare their answers in pair and then ask for answer from the class in general or particular pairs. Teacher also makes sure to ask in detail whether where in the text they can find the relevant information. Prompter, teacher can encourage students to work in language features level; noticing the language feature construction, clarifying ambiguities and making them aware of the issues of text structure that they had not come across previously.
The vocabulary question. Make a limitation over the vocabulary checking: give a time limit, Teacher can give a time limit in which will rule them not to look for meaning after a given amount of time runs out. Limit the word or phrase in the answer questions, teacher can limit the word or phrase in the answer questions in which they will think that they don’t need much effort to do vocabulary inquiry for only few numbers of answer. Meaning consensus, such as group discussion, working pair, in which the meaning search activity can be done in a cooperative learning way that requires work group discussion among students to find the meaning. Working in pairs could create students’ interactions for negotiating lexical meanings so that they could acquire new vocabularies. Pre-reading (engaging) input.
Letting the students’ in: Connect their affective response to the text, by doing these activities will engage their reading process or asking them their personal attitudes towards the text. Deliver question asking their personal attitudes towards the text, these activities will be beneficial to activate their schemata so that they can predict as well as comprehend the text they are going to read. The schemata work by bringing together certain knowledge, experience, emotion, and culture to the reading that affects comprehension. List what things they know or don’t know about the text, It serves students with linguistic input which will help students to comprehend the text. Modify the reading texts into jigsaw activity, Teacher has students read different texts and share the information they have gathered in order to piece together the whole story. Such activities will finally be good reasons to read and engage students focus as well as their interest to the texts.
Reading lesson sequences. ESA’ - ‘Engage, Study, Activate’ elements (Harmer, 2007b). Engage is a point in teaching sequence where teacher tries to arouse students’ interest, thus involving their emotion. Engage in reading can be used picture, background knowledge related to the topic or exercises and discussing it. Teacher engages students with activities and materials that attractive, authentic and meaningful to them such as providing them with games, music, discussion, pictures, etc. In this sequence, teacher also builds their background knowledge related to the topic or exercises they are going to deal with. Engaging sequence will contribute to their active involvement in the activity. Study takes part when students are asked to focus on language (or information) and how it is constructed. Study in reading: modelling by teacher, understanding (reading), analyzing the language function, exercising (answer questions). Activate describes exercises or activities designed as freely and communicatively as they can. Activate in reading: grouping, affective questioning, feedback.
In relation to teaching reading, ESA elements organizes the reading lesson so that the skills of reading can be developed effectively by students.  Reading sequences generally involves more than one language skills. Utilizing the sequences help students practice specific intensive skills such as skimming, scanning, and to read text for detailed comprehension purposes. However, teacher need to vary the sequences combination to avoid monotony.
Related researches. The first related research was conducted by Kei Mihara (2011). This study investigated how the two pre-reading strategies (vocabulary pre-teaching and pre-questioning) helped overcome the students' lack in vocabulary knowledge and difficulty in using language cues to meaning.
The second research was conducted by Pezhman Zare and Moomala Othman (2013). The study was an attempt to find out the rate of recurrence of reading strategy use among Malaysian ESL learners. It also tried to figure out the possible relationship between reading strategy use and reading comprehension. Moreover, the researchers tried to investigate the difference between Malaysian male and female ESL learners in the use of reading strategy.
The last related research was conducted by Handoyo Puji Widodo (2009). The study addressed key issues on the nature of reading questions and the nature of teacher-student and student-student interactions at pre-, while-, and post-reading stages. It also addressed how the intensive reading lesson could be integrated with other language skills and what roles a teacher, students, and teaching materials played. Moreover, the study highlighted an issue on how all of the reading class activities analyzed were connected to the SLA theories.

c.    Third Presenter (Dewi Nur Asyiah); Teaching Listening
The outline of her presentation was extensive – intensive listening, intensive listening using audio materials, who controls the materials? Intensive listening: live listening, intensive listening: roles of teacher. Film and video (viewing technique & listening technique, example of listening sequence (teaching demo), the sound of music, & related research. (Chang, 2012) divide listening type in to two: extensive and intensive listening. In extensive reading, students may choose what they want to listen. They listen to massive audio materials, such as TV, film, song, etc. This kind of listening more enjoyable for students in studying a material. In intensive listening, students listen to a particular spoken text to find specific information. Intensive listening also listens for the exact words of phrase or expression or listening for details. Listening intensively make the students become less enjoyable. Then by doing this kind of activities make them constrained by pre-set questions or tasks guided by the teacher.
The advantages and disadvantages of extensive listening. The advantages of extensive listening are to improve students’ motivation. Then, by doing an extensive listening improve listener automatically in recognizing spoken texts. The disadvantages of extensive reading were if the lower levels students may not understand anything they listen to.
Roles of teacher in extensive listening. Teachers should explain to the students the benefits of listening extensively, make agreement about how much and what kind of listening activity they should do, recommend certain CDs and podcasts, get other students to talk about the ones that they have enjoyed the most.
Intensive listening using audio materials. Intensive listening using some audio materials also has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages using audio materials, students are allowed to hear a variety of voices apart from their just own teacher’s. It gives them opportunity to meet a range of different characters, different situations and voices. Another advantage is audio materials are readily and portable available. Tapes and CDs are extremely cheap and the machines are relatively inexpensive. Many audio materials are now offered in digital form so that teachers can play the recorded tracks in the class directly form computers. Accordingly, nowadays, many course books are completed by CDs and tapes and many teachers rely on that to provide a significant source of language input.
In the other hand, some disadvantages of using audio materials. First is the audibility of the recorded materials. It’s difficult to ensure that all students in the classroom can hear equally well. Second, everyone has to listen at the same speed as dictated by the speaker. Although this replicates the situation, but students can’t interact with the speaker and can’t see the speaking take place. Students may wonder why they should deal with such materials. The last is having a group of people sit around listening to a tape recording not an entirely natural occupation.
Who should control the materials? Students control and stop, Teachers get students to control the speed of recorded listening. They can tell teacher when they want the recording to be paused and when they are happy to resume it. Or a student can be at the controls and ask his or her classmate to say when they want to stop or go on. Students have access to different machines, it will be very beneficial to have students listen to the different machines in a small group rather than in a whole big class. It simplifies them to control their listening activities within their peers. Having more the one machine is especially useful for any kind of jigsaw listening. Students work in language center or laboratory, In the listening laboratory, students can listen to the recorded materials, watch films or video and have the students working on their own and control their individual machines.
Intensive listening: Live listening. Live listening is listening activity which is conducted by having teachers or visitors talk to the students in the classroom. The benefit of using live listening was students can practice their listening in face to face interaction. Then, let them to practice listening repair strategies using appropriate expression, repeating up to the point where communication breakdown occurs using rising intonation, or rephrasing and seeing whether the speaker confirm the rephrasing (Field, 2000 in Harmer).
Live listening activities: reading aloud, storytelling, interviews, and conservation. Reading aloud, this live listening can be enjoyable when the teachers do it with conviction and style and it is useful for students to hear a clear spoken version of the written text. The teacher can also act out a dialogue by inviting colleague into the classroom. Storytelling, retelling stories can be an influential way to increase language competence. At any stage of the story, students may be asked to predict what is coming next in the story, describe the people in the story, or even to retell the story they have heard. Interviews, Interview is also a powerful live listening activity in which students should be able not only to listen, but also to think up questions to be asked. They in turn should be able to answer the questions toward them. It will be better having strangers come into the class to be interviewed by the students. Conservation, by inviting colleagues into the classroom, teachers can have long conversation about English or any other subjects with them. The students can watch and listen to the conversation, which can be followed by storytelling activity about the conversation.
Roles of teacher in live listening: Organizer, machine operator, feedback organizer, prompter. Organizer, Teachers should primarily tell the objective of the listening activities and give clear instructions about how to achieve it. Teachers’ main duty by this role is building up students’ confidence by offering tasks that are appropriate and texts that are easy to comprehend. Machine operator, Teachers should be as efficient as possible in using audio materials for listening activities. This means that teachers should be sure which part of CDs or audio recorded materials that are to be used. Feedback organizer, after completing the task, teachers should lead the way to check that they have completed it successfully. This feedback can be by having students compare their answers in pairs and ask the answers from the class in general or from pairs in particular. Prompter, Teachers can prompt students to listen to the recording again in order to notice the variety of language and spoken feature. For instance, teachers may give them a script dictation where some words are blanked out to provoke their awareness of certain items.
Film and Video. Sources for listening not only in the form of audio materials, but it can be in the form of film clips or videos. Film and video, allow students to see language in use such as paralinguistic behavior. It means that students can see when intonation meets facial expression and what gestures accompany certain phrases. Film and video facilitate students to comprehend pronunciation better. Film and video also allow students to get cross cultures clues (Woottipong, 2014).
Viewing techniques: fast forward, silent viewing (for language), silent viewing (for music), freeze frame, partial viewing. Fast forward, this viewing technique allows the teacher to press the play button and press fast forward the video so that the sequences past silently at great speed. Students can be asked to answer what the extract is all about and to guess what they possibly say. Silent viewing (for language), This is a viewing technique by which the teachers play the extract at normal speed but without sound. Students are asked to guess what the people in the video are saying, after that, the teachers may play the audio to let the students check their answers. Silent viewing (for music), This viewing technique is quite similar to the previous one, but in this technique, students are asked to say what kind of music possibly used in the sequence’s situation. It is also followed by checking students’ answer through playing the sound of the sequence. Freeze frame, the viewing technique is conducted by freezing the picture at any stage of the sequence. The students may be asked to guess what they think will happen next or what the character will say. Partial viewing, through this viewing technique, teachers cover part of the screen so the students can only see a part of it. This also can be done, when the teachers use large divider to split the students into two groups. One group sees the left side, and another group sees the right side. Students are asked to guess what the other group saw.
Listening and mixed techniques: picture less listening (language), picture less listening (music), picture less listening (sound effect), picture or speech, subtitles. Pictureless listening, Teachers play the video by covering the screen or turning down the brightness of the screen, or turning away the monitor from the students so the students can only hear the voices. The students have to guess, for example, where the dialogue takes place, who are the speakers, what they look like, etc. Picture less Listening (Music), Teachers play the music, students listen to it and they are asked to guess, for instance, what kind of scene portrayed in the music or song, based on the mood of the music. Picture less Listening (Sound Effect), Listening skill can also be trained by listening to video without dialogue, in which students can only hear sound effects. For example, they may hear the lightning of gas stove, coffee being poured, eggs being broken and fried, so on and so forth. Picture or Speech, Teachers divide the class into two groups. One group watch the screen and the other face away. The group who watches the screen has to describe what is happening in the screen fluently, while the other group has to understand what is going on. This is a good activity by mixing receptive and productive skills into one activity. Subtitles, it can help them to understand what the characters are saying. He, furthermore, suggests that teachers can allow students to use subtitles and ask them to say what the speakers say in English, or by turning off the subtitles and asking the students to write the subtitles.
Examples of listening sequence: Sorry, I’m late, telephone message, breakfast, story telling, witness statement. Sorry, I’m late sequencing, This involves students to put pictures or events in the right order as what they hear. Teachers give students jumbled pictures and ask them to guess the right order of the events. Let them give their first answers and then teacher can play the recording consisting dialogue of the events. This listening activity suits students at lower intermediate level. Telephone message sequence, In this activity, teachers ask students to take message from phone calls. Teachers can use available audio materials provided by textbooks or they can record their own voices or other competent speakers. Students work can be then checked in pairs by playing again the recording and it may be followed by having students ring each other to leave message. This is appropriate for students in elementary level. This activity may continue by getting students to interview their friends about what they have for breakfast.
Story telling sequencing, Before telling the story, students are given a list or words and phrases and ask them to find what they mean. While listening to the speaker, students put checklist to the words or phrases they hear. Then, teacher may ask students to summarize what the speaker tells by asking them to do a cloze exercise in which they fill the blanks while listening to the track again. Witness statement sequences, In this activity students are shown some video about events or accidents and they are asked to watch it thoroughly. After that, students are asked to explain the events or accident they have watched in detail as if they are a witness of the accident. Teachers can make it in role play between a news reporter and a witness, for instance.
The sound of music. Stimuli students’ engagement since it may affexr their emotion Harmer (2007a). A good resource to promote mimics and supra segmental phonetics (Ratnasari, 2007). Not all songs are good for teaching activities. Payne (2006, in Harmer) states that “the ideal songs repeat key phrases, attract students’ attention, and teach some natural and interesting language without offending anyone.”
Related research. Kretsai Woottipong (2014): the students’ listening comprehension ability increased significantly after learning with videos and students had positive attitudes towards using videos in teaching listening skills.
Abo Skhela (2010): there were statistically significant differences in the students' listening comprehension due to storytelling technique.
Bambang Yudi Cahyono and Utami Widiati (2009): listening might become a complex activity for students, listening should be taught both discretely and integrated with other skills, the three phase technique of teaching listening (i.e. the pre-, while-, and post-teaching activities) is advisable.

d.   Last Presenter (Dian Ardiansah); Teaching Writing
The outline of his presentation: concept of writing, an approaches strategy in teaching writing, writing styles, text types, related research.
Hyland (2003, p. 21) states that in writing English as a second language the writer must be focused on language structures, text functions, themes or topics, creative expression, composing processes, content, genre and contexts of writing.
(Brown, 2001) explain the concept of writing started from the result of thinking, then drafting and the last was revising. It means that writing are often the result of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that require specialized skills. Writing gives a signal to a reader and the purpose of what are saying. In learning process, the students used writing to record, understand, and report the important things in learning.  
Approaches in teaching writing by Harmer, 2007: Process and product, writing and genre, creative writing, writing as cooperative activity, using computer, roles of teacher. In the Process and product, the teacher have to focus on: language use (grammar, vocabulary, linkers), punctuation, spelling, writing repetition of words and/or information, decide on the information for each paragraph and the order the paragraphs should go in, note down various ideas, select the best ideas for inclusion, write a clean copy of corrected version, write out a rough version. In teaching writing, the teachers should focus on the product of that writing or on the writing process itself. When concentrating on the product, the teachers can pay attention to the various stages in any pieces of writing itself.
In writing and genre, there are various kind of genre: narrative writing, descriptive writing, poetry writing, persuasive writing, journal writing, letter writing, bibliography writing, exposition writing. A genre approach is especially appropriate for students of English Specific Purposes (ESP), but it is also highly useful for general English students, even at low levels they can produce a good written by using genre in their writing.
In term of creative writing: students’ sense and moods, students’ experiences, starting which phrases and sentences, whole composition. It can be easier to the teachers teaching writing by students’ creatively, the students can find their imaginatively, sense and moods by their experiences in writing activities. In addition, the teachers can increase students to be more creative in their writing by starting which phrases and sentences before expecting whole composition.
Writing as a cooperative activity: Cooperative writing works well with both of process and genre based approaches. The students can review and evaluate their writing product, writing in groups can  make students have a long process to communicate, discussion, evaluate, and generating the ideas frequently.
Using computer, several reasons for using computer in writing activities: A word-processing package removes the problem of poor handwriting. A word-processing package allows the component user to edit his or her material at great speed and with great facility. Spellcheckers can ease editing incorrect spelling. If the students working in groups, a computer screen can sometimes be far more visible to the whole groups than a piece of paper might be.
The roles of the teacher: Motivator, resources, feedback prvoder. Motivator, One of principal roles in writing task is motivation by the teachers. Creating the right conditions for generating the ideas, persuading the students of the usefulness activity, and encouraging them to make effort for maximum benefits. Resources, The teachers should be ready to supply information and language where necessary. The teachers need to give suggestion in a constructive and tactful way, because writing takes longer than conversation. Feedback Provider, Giving feedback on writing tasks demand special care. The teachers should respond positively and encouragingly to the content of what the students have written.
Writing styles: expository style, descriptive style, narrative style, persuasive style. Expository style: cause and effect, true false, positive negative. The focus of the writer in this type of writing style is to tell the readers about a specific subject or topic and in the end the author leaves out his own opinion about that topic. This type of writing is generally used in textbooks, articles, and essays. An expository style of writing is more formal and straightforward, so the casual language or slang that you would use with friends is not acceptable.
Decriptive style: describing, using beautiful language. In descriptive writing style, the author focuses on describing an event, a character or a place in detail. Someone may read this type of writing to enjoy the beauty of the language and writing itself. Therefore, this style tends to use more adjectives and adverbs, as well as figurative language and imagery, to create detail that allows the reader to envision the scenery and events in their minds.
 Narrative style: Entertain, figurative and imaginary. Narrative writing style is a type of writing where the writer narrates a story to. It includes short stories, novels, novellas, biographies and poetry. Narrative writing is like descriptive writing which aims to entertain the reader; Narrative writing will use more descriptive language and imagery, because the author wants the reader to imagine the characters, scenes, and setting in order to become part of the story's world and to connect to its plot. Narrative writers can also change their style depending on the type of story.
Persuasive style: persuade the reader, expressing writers’ point of view. Persuasive style of writing is a category of writing in which the writer tries to give reasons and justification to make the readers believe his point of view. The persuasive style aims to persuade and convince the readers. Persuasive writing does not rely heavily on facts. In a persuasive style, the writer is often expressing an opinion and trying to persuade the audience to do something or to agree with the writer's point of view.
Related research. Monalisa (2013): theory and approaches on writing are the beneficial sources for teachers to refer for varying activities in the writing classroom, input and feedback from the teachers on the students writing are more important in process of increasing students’ ideas and creativity in writing.
Maarof, Yamat, and Li (2001): roles of teacher in writing activities give beneficial helpful in general activities in writing class, a combination of both types of feedback is thus crucial in the effort to improve students’ writing in the ESL classroom.
Lee (2001):  the used of genres, text types in teaching writing is most useful concept for teaching. The teachers should also greatly facilitate genre-based (e.g., EAP, ESP) and focus everyday classroom activities by making it easy for the students.

2.    Question and answer
a.    What kind of listening activities which is suitable with second student? Considering the pronunciation, intonation, and also the main goal of teaching language in syllabus as to pass national examination?
Based on the content of listening materials.
Prof. Nenden answer: Use the original voice or close to the native speaker voice. For example: to teach listening/pronunciation. For national exam, it is practically not every school have the facilitation.

b.    What should the teacher do to help the students extensive reading to pass the exam?
Extensive reading encourage the knowledge outside the classroom, such as reading habit.

c.    Is it necessary give task in extensive reading?
Teacher organise extensive reading by making kind of report. So, the teacher can found the incresing and know the significant process of students in extensive reading.

d.    How to integrate teaching skill listening and speaking by watching a movie?
Ask the students to retell whole story of the movie. So, we can accomodate both speaking and listening skills. Then give a vocabulary clue from the movie.
Prof. Nenden answer: for example: in speaking, focusing on speaking then integrated with another skill based on the movie. In reading, working in pair and answer the questions not neglecting one of the skills.

e.    What the teachers can do to solve/accomodating higher level students who feel bored in teaching language?
Control audio material to avoid the boring. By devided a class with a group and different machine or different materials.
Prof. Nenden aswer: Make the class as intresting as possible, chalenging. Materials should suitable be for students. Materials should be suitable for their age. Material should chalenging and the last make them observe the material.

3.    Comment
It is believed that some or all the four language skills are carried out even in the case of learning them separately. It is impossible to separate the different skills from each other. When intentionally using one skill, it generally involves at least one more of other skills. In learning productive skills, listening and reading, we cannot exclude the participation of writing skill as well as speaking skill. Sometimes, students need to take notes and less formal discussion of important points while either listening or reading. Conversely, when writing and speaking students will gather the knowledge from what they have read and listened. It seems to be unreasonable to teach a particular skill exclusively instead integrated.
Teaching reading is equipping students with skills and strategies to achieve the purpose of reading effectively. In classroom context, generally students are exposed only with the intensive reading activities with the focus on developing skills of skimming, scanning, or reading for detailed information. Students are shaped through structured reading sequences to be effective readers. However, students also need to be introduced and facilitated with extensive reading activity. Extensive reading is somehow beneficial to improve reading proficiency as overall, even contribute to the development of all language skills proficiency. Reading extensively is purposed to gain general understanding upon the texts, usually a collections of the texts such as book, and emphasize on meaning rather than the language. Hence, through such exposure, students are encouraged to have ‘reading with pleasure’ experience and habit. Nevertheless, teacher need to consider several things in the attempt to succeed this purpose. Particularly for young readers, teacher needs to manage the accessibility of their reading materials since they are neither aware of the benefit of reading (in this case, their intrinsic motivation) nor independent to the reading appropriateness level (difficulty in grammar, vocabulary). Although extensive reading activity is not meant to be graded, teacher’s roles are considered important to engage their motivation and monitor their reading progress.
In practice, teaching listening can be conducted in various activities, ways and techniques. The most general classification of listening activities is extensive listening in which students have access of many easy aural input i.e. television, radio, video and films, or audio books and songs to improve listener automaticity in recognizing spoken texts. Extensive listening can be useful for students to make them familiar with spoken language variables, such as pronunciation, intonation in enjoyable way and to increase their motivation listen more and more. While, intensive listening can be beneficial for students in practicing their listening ability since they will listen to some audio materials and do the listening tasks in order to comprehend the way English is spoken. In teaching listening, teachers should be as creative as they can since they are exposed to abundant materials, including recording materials, songs, videos, films, etc. Teachers should be able to select or adapt the materials and listening sequences appropriately and match them to the learners’ need and ability in order to make effective teaching.
Writing can be one of the most enjoyable and satisfying activities for teachers and students to do together in classroom, especially in learning English as foreign language. For many students writing is very difficult and makes them bored, it because in English language, writing regarded an extension of grammar and vocabulary, it can assume that’s way students getting bored in writing because, in English writing the students have to mastered not only in grammatical patterns, formation ability to produce good formed sentences, but also vocabulary. Writing is one of the most important skills that students need to mastered, learning how to write in English language is one of the most challenging aspects of students’ language learning. Writing is different from speaking, a further strengthening in the status of students’ writing within applied linguistics which come from the expanded of knowledge base on the nature of written texts and writing processes that has been developed by scholars in such fields as composition studies, second language writing, genre theory, and contrastive rhetoric. Hyland (2003, p.1) states that Writing has been identified as one of the essential process skills in a world that is more than ever driven by text and numerical data.

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